If not a Thunderbolt, then what?

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Feb 24, 2011
Sorry, I'm a total lurker... Heres my question though:

If you decided to give up on the elusive TB, what currently available Verizon smartphone would you most likely go to?
I currently have a Dinc so there isn't a phone beside the TB I would upgrade to.
I don't think any of those really qualify. You are talking about going from wanting a "nexgen" phone, to settling for a EOL phone. IMO, just wait another 3 months and get the next "nexgen" phone. If the TB doesn't come out until June, I see it being a big flop.
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Therein lies the problem, there really is nothing else. If there was I would not be so damned obsessed with this phone. I am so ready to move up from my OG Droid.
If the Bionic comes with an unlocked (or unlockable) bootloader, that'll likely be the phone I get rather than the Thunderbolt (if the delays continue).
My perspective is coming from not having a smartphone. I really like the specs of the tb, but I want a blasted smartphone, and I definitely need one before April. So I'd get this one if I can, but I think it's time to look at some other options... So, maybe the better question would be, which phone would you suggest to a novice, if they decide not to wait the wait for the tb?
My perspective is coming from not having a smartphone. I really like the specs of the tb, but I want a blasted smartphone, and I definitely need one before April. So I'd get this one if I can, but I think it's time to look at some other options... So, maybe the better question would be, which phone would you suggest to a novice, if they decide not to wait the wait for the tb?

One option you always have is buying an X or Droid 2 off of ebay and using it for about 6 months, then getting the dual cores that are out. I would be REALLY wary of buying an X/Dinc/Droid2 on a 2 year contract. These phones are already 9 months old...in 2 more years these will be unthinkable IMO. This is the reason that I always get the newest and best in smartphones. If I am going to keep this thing for 18-24 months, why wouldn't you spend the extra 100-150 to get a large upgrade in functionality and satisfaction?

So if it's an option, buy an OG droid maybe for 200 dollars, get a feel for android, and by the time you are a pro with it, a new dual core phone will be out! :)
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One option you always have is buying an X or Droid 2 off of ebay and using it for about 6 months, then getting the dual cores that are out. I would be REALLY wary of buying an X/Dinc/Droid2 on a 2 year contract. These phones are already 9 months old...in 2 more years these will be unthinkable IMO. This is the reason that I always get the newest and best in smartphones. If I am going to keep this thing for 18-24 months, why wouldn't you spend the extra 100-150 to get a large upgrade in functionality and satisfaction?

So if it's an option, buy an OG droid maybe for 200 dollars, get a feel for android, and by the time you are a pro with it, a new dual core phone will be out! :)

+ 1
"If not a Thunderbolt, then what?"

There will never be anything else for me. If it doesn't get released, I will drive up to a ware house, break in and grab a few. And activate one. If Verizon doesn't activate it for me, I will go to where their database is located and manually MAKE SURE my thunderbolt gets activated, that is, if I'm not in jail yet. I will only have the THUNDERBOLT!
currently on att, so tmo or verizon is in my future, if not tbolt, nexus s on tmo.

tmo is actually great where i live, but id rather verizon due to nation coverage
The Fascinate for the great screen and rooting, rom'ing it the first night it's a great phone. Moved to Verizon for the coverage but was wanting to get the bolt, have until the 23rd till locked in, if it comes out past that there's always fleabay or best buy's buy back program if you got in during the free period.
The Fascinate for the great screen and rooting, rom'ing it the first night it's a great phone. Moved to Verizon for the coverage but was wanting to get the bolt, have until the 23rd till locked in, if it comes out past that there's always fleabay or best buy's buy back program if you got in during the free period.

That makes two of us. I was excited for the TB but realized I really can't justify spending 300(+) dollars on a phone for two years. That's not even including the possibility of upping the contract price with LTE. The Fascinate has a great screen and specs on par with the TB and all other phones currently on the market. It's a phone, I'm sure the Fascinate will satisfy all my needs. I no longer have an interest in getting the latest and greatest gadgets these days. It's nothing but endless disappointment and the fix returns within a few months when the next best thing comes out. I'll get my Fascinate for dirt cheap when my contract is up for renewal in a few days and I'll rock that thing for two years. I almost feel sorry for you poor fellas that feel the need to keep up with the Jones' and their phones.
I leaning towards an Incredible (1 year contract) or if push to shove I will do an iPhone 4.
I leaning towards an Incredible (1 year contract)

I'm looking at Dinc's on craigslist right now. Not interested in signing a one year contract when I can get it cheaper(used) with no contract.
Contract up in June...thinking of "bolting" to whomever has the best HTC phone at that time....
forgot to add the usual.....not sure I care about 4G...not a gamer or a multi media guy....not a big fan of AT&T...but in Northeast Ohio Sprint and T mobil have good phone service (or so i am told).

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