If Palm came out with a device equal in hardware to the Evo, what would you do?


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Since there are so many potential Pre defectors in this forum, I just had to ask this question: If Palm came out with a phone that is equal to the Evo, at about the same time as the Evo, would you stick with Palm or get the Evo still.

This is something I have been contemplating for the last week or so. What worries me is the slow addition of Apps Palm is experiencing while Android is sky rocketing. Which way will the developers go? What good will a super Palm device do me if there isn't much developer support for it? Will the super Palm phone be enough to change the tide?

Betamax was technically the better format, but VHS won.


Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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Id still go android. Palm still doesn't have api's available for the Mic or camera. I use voice comands and shazam almost daily. After having those apps, I wouldn't want to give them up. Plus I feel my Hero is built pretty solidly to trust in HTC for their Evo

Complex Pants

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Dec 15, 2009
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Since there are so many potential Pre defectors in this forum, I just had to ask this question: If Palm came out with a phone that is equal to the Evo, at about the same time as the Evo, would you stick with Palm or get the Evo still.

This is something I have been contemplating for the last week or so. What worries me is the slow addition of Apps Palm is experiencing while Android is sky rocketing. Which way will the developers go? What good will a super Palm device do me if there isn't much developer support for it? Will the super Palm phone be enough to change the tide?

Betamax was technically the better format, but VHS won.


Welcome fellow defector.......

It would all depend. I got to play with my first N1 yesterday and I have to say it was very nice. It was responsive and the keyboard wasn't that bad. However, I only did play with it for ~5 min. WebOS is very nice and has a wonderful user experience, but they are really lacking mainstream support, which is what worries me. Right now I am pretty set on getting the EVO, unless Palm does release some amazing new hardware. If that was the case I would give both phones a long day of testing at a sprint store (assuming both are on sprint).

Developers are still in a pickle right now. You really have 3 platform to pick from and all have their strengths and weaknesses. Apple has the biggest user base, which means the most potential money. But Apple runs their app store like a dictator and may decide to refuse to accept your app for no apparent reason. Android on the other hand is completely open and you are basically allowed to do anything, but the platform is fractured, which means you have to write in code to deal with multiple versions of the OS and different hardware specs. WebOS is the easiest of all platforms to develop for, but it still doesn't have a very well developed SDK and is arguably a dying, or at least has an uncertain future, platform.

If android can standardize in some way, maybe something along the lines of what MS is doing with WM7, then I think I move to android as a developer. With all of the new android devices proliferating I see android's user base becoming larger than apples quickly.

If Palm wants to survive they need EVO quality hardware and they need to iron out a lot of the bugs in WebOS, the random reboots for example. They also need the backing of major developers. Gameloft and Glu are great, but what about doc2go? I am not sure epocrates will pull their software out of beta for WebOS and that is a huge turn off to the medical community. How do you get that backing? Well you need to make a case that people will pick up your OS and that you aren't going to fade as a company (Palm has failed at this). If HTC bought Palm and WebOS came out on HTC hardware, I think more developers would come to WebOS.

Also, just for reference, one of the major deciding factors behind the Betamax vs VHS fight was who the porn industry supported. They choose VHS and look who won? Palm needs the porn industry to support WebOS ;)


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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I am going to completely agree with both you of you. I ranted about what I don't like over at PreCentral in the cross platform thread about the Evo, and I am pretty much making the same points you are making, complex pants.

I am sorry Palm, I tried, I got all my friends to buy Pres, and now they all want to move on to the Evo.

They screwed it up, it was too little too late, and changing public perception to get the needed developer support is going to be very hard, especially for a company that's in financial crisis.


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Mar 22, 2010
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After using WebOS since last June and now using Android for about a week here are my thoughts:

When I first got the moment a week ago I was expecting a learning curve and ready to miss the synergy and notifications of WebOS. I then found out that android has a very similar notification system that works very similar to WebOS. Maybe not quite as elegant, but nothing that would make me want to go back to WebOS. Now I use alot of google services, gmail and google voice. So my contacts and email work just as well as the synergy on WebOS. Google voice, as expected, is very well integrated into android.

As far as apps, well, the much larger app selection with android is definitely noticeable. There are some apps like barcode reader and shazam that are really slick and work well and can be useful. These are apps that can't be ported to WebOS because the Pre camera isn't auto-focus, and the Palm sdk doesn't have support for the mic.

On my pre one of my favorite apps was newsroom for rss feeds. Guess what, they develop for android and they have an android version that looks identical to the WebOS version.

I like WebOS, it has alot of potential and has progressed since last June. But so far, after a week with android, there is nothing that I miss enough from WebOS that would make me reconsider not getting the EVO when it comes out.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
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After using WebOS since last June and now using Android for about a week here are my thoughts:

When I first got the moment a week ago I was expecting a learning curve and ready to miss the synergy and notifications of WebOS. I then found out that android has a very similar notification system that works very similar to WebOS. Maybe not quite as elegant, but nothing that would make me want to go back to WebOS. Now I use alot of google services, gmail and google voice. So my contacts and email work just as well as the synergy on WebOS. Google voice, as expected, is very well integrated into android.

As far as apps, well, the much larger app selection with android is definitely noticeable. There are some apps like barcode reader and shazam that are really slick and work well and can be useful. These are apps that can't be ported to WebOS because the Pre camera isn't auto-focus, and the Palm sdk doesn't have support for the mic.

On my pre one of my favorite apps was newsroom for rss feeds. Guess what, they develop for android and they have an android version that looks identical to the WebOS version.

I like WebOS, it has alot of potential and has progressed since last June. But so far, after a week with android, there is nothing that I miss enough from WebOS that would make me reconsider not getting the EVO when it comes out.

Thank you very much for posting about your transition to Android. I have seen very different responses from yours and was a little worried that it would be difficult to move off of the Pre because the UI is so nice. I really can't wait to try the Evo!


Trusted Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Thank you very much for posting about your transition to Android. I have seen very different responses from yours and was a little worried that it would be difficult to move off of the Pre because the UI is so nice. I really can't wait to try the Evo!

My exposure to android now has made me realize how much Palm has their work cut out for them. Can the elegance of WebOS keep them going? Honestly, I expected to come to android and have more moments where I wished I was back using WebOS. I do miss some of the gestures and multi-touch pinching and zooming in the web browser but there are other ways in the android browser to accomplish that. Plus there are a couple third-party web browsers for android so that gives the user some choice.

I understand your concern of making the move, I've had that concern too. 90% of what I have heard about android came from precentral and it was usually comments that said that android couldn't hold a candle to WebOS. I think alot of those comments come from people that haven't even used an android device or just don't want to believe it is possible for anything to compare to the pre. Now I'm not saying I'd discount anyone that has used both and prefers WebOS. Every users needs are different.

After being on my third replacement pre, if the EVO can give me solid hardware I can rely on and the android experience is similar to what I've had this past week, then sorry Palm, maybe next year.

Complex Pants

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Dec 15, 2009
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My exposure to android now has made me realize how much Palm has their work cut out for them. Can the elegance of WebOS keep them going? Honestly, I expected to come to android and have more moments where I wished I was back using WebOS. I do miss some of the gestures and multi-touch pinching and zooming in the web browser but there are other ways in the android browser to accomplish that. Plus there are a couple third-party web browsers for android so that gives the user some choice.

I understand your concern of making the move, I've had that concern too. 90% of what I have heard about android came from precentral and it was usually comments that said that android couldn't hold a candle to WebOS. I think alot of those comments come from people that haven't even used an android device or just don't want to believe it is possible for anything to compare to the pre. Now I'm not saying I'd discount anyone that has used both and prefers WebOS. Every users needs are different.

After being on my third replacement pre, if the EVO can give me solid hardware I can rely on and the android experience is similar to what I've had this past week, then sorry Palm, maybe next year.

That is sort of my feeling right now. I am unsure of where or what Palm is going to do in the next year, but I know I need a stable, supported smart phone while in the hospital. I hope Palm can turn it around, but for the time being I am going to be hoping onto android.

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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I'd buy one in a heartbeat, and hope that however Palm solves their current financial woes ends up with the release of the full WebOS source under the GPL or Apache license ;)

Hey, a man can still dream lol.


Honestly, I am a pretty big fan of the Pre +

Think its snappy and very useful.

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