I'm really torn


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2012
I need someone to help me decide what tablet to buy. I am torn between the Nexus 10, and the, Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. The more I read the more confused I get. My needs are web browsing, email,( I use gmail exclusively) calender, docs, writing, social networking the occasional movie viewing while traveling, reading, and listening to music.

I hear the Nexus does not support Microsoft Silverlight or Adobe Flash. Not sure if this is true. I here the tablet freeze and restarts itself. WiFi connection is inconsistent. There is some lag in scrolling up or down. No extra storage. I also heard customer support is terrible and the battery drains quickly.

On the Note. I hear there are problems with picture and sound quality. My money was on this tablet because of the s pen being more useful for productivity, but again bad customer support. Also as I need to print things for my job my understanding you most have a samsung printer as any other printer is not compatible.

Please help and thanks for you advice in advance.
Well I don't know much about the galaxy note but I have the nexus 10 and I love it. You can get flash on it if it's that important to you. I use mine forthe same reasons you want it for and The display for movies is amazing you have to see for yourself. Yes some people have problems with it but doesn't everything new have a bit of bugs? To me the nexus was no doubt the tablet I wanted and I can't be happier with it. With printing there are ways for you to print, handheld if I'm not mistaking there is an app to help you with it and any tablet can be used with a pen) I hope this helped you
Based on what you wrote there is little question that the N10 is the better choice - best resolution on any tablet. Watching movies, social networking, surfing web, etc., all look fantastic. I looked at the Note b4 settling on N10 and am not disappointed. The screen is gorgeous. Simply compare the two screens. In regards to Silverlight - not sure, don't use it. I have however watched movies on my N10 and they looked great on the N10.

In regards to battery issue, I have had none; it does take a while to charge, but it also lasts quite a while before charging. The only problem is that it on occasion re-starts when using Chrome. However, so far, that has not been a huge issue - from what I have read, they will likely fix this an update.
I recently bought the Nexus 10, the Infinity TF700, and the Note 10.1 (intending to return at least 2 of the 3) to see if I could move away from iOS and my ipad.

A Note 2 owner, I'm a big fan of Samsung's Note devices and the additional functionality they bring. However, the ipad 3 being my first tablet, the Note 10.1's display was unacceptable. Photos and videos look okay, but text looks really subpar. It looks and feels like a budget device.

Contrast that with the Nexus 10's beautiful screen, the choice was easy. In my opinion the Nexus 10 is the first Android tablet to truly be in the same league as the ipad. That Samsung released its flagship tablet in 2012 with a ppi under 150 is really surprising to me. But if Samsung were to make a Note 10.1 with a resolution over 200 ppi, I would likely jump at it.

As the earlier post indicates, the Nexus 10 supports flash. You just need to download it and use a browser that supports it.

In terms of battery life, in my experience the Nexus 10 had better battery life than the Note 10.1. This would make sense given its significantly larger battery.

You'll see plenty of people on here the prefer the Note 10.1 to the Nexus 10 and vice versa. It really depends on individual preference. Why not buy both and return the one you like least?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Thank you all for your replies. They have all been helpful. I think I will dive in and purchase a Nexus 10.
Well The Nexus 10 seems to be good with battery life with Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, Crunchyroll and saved media. The main battery drain is gaming, and web browsing. Its ok battery on web browsing but it drain alittle worse than playing media because the processor pushes for fastest load times. Load times for web pages are 1.5 sec or less. As for games, it can play any game at max graphics. As for silverlight i haven't seen a single site that has requested it. Every single page I ever loaded has loaded every picture and text except flash pics and flash ads, but even flash seems to be rarer in tablet versions of websites. Though Galaxy Note 10.1 should loose its flash in the current update anyways. I bought this Nexus 10 tablet because of the higher resale value because of the fact of their next gen processor, graphics, and fast updates so I can sell this and upgrade to a Galaxy Note 10.1-2 when it comes out in october.
I hear the Nexus does not support Microsoft Silverlight or Adobe Flash.

It does support Flash (when you add it). No tablet (that I know of) will support Silverlight (why would you want it to, anyway?)

Not sure if this is true. I here the tablet freeze and restarts itself.

Yep, that is true for many people. But for most it is not all that often, and restart is very fast. These started with the last update, so it is likely a software issue that will be fixed "soon" with another update.

WiFi connection is inconsistent. There is some lag in scrolling up or down.

Never had either problem, nor would I think that is typical at all.

No extra storage.

True, it is what it is. No SD slot. But if you get the 32GB, that is big enough for most people.

I also heard customer support is terrible and the battery drains quickly..

Have not needed customer support, so I can't comment on that. I can say that nothing will have more "support" when it comes to Android and updates than a Nexus device. I have no real battery problems- seems to be about the same battery life as the Xoom; maybe a bit less, but with a screen and speed that just blows it away.... plus lighter, thinner, and sleeker.
You didn't mention the front facing speakers. Great sound compared to my Asus TF. Also, the large screen size often results in the standard web page rather than the mobile version.
You didn't mention the front facing speakers. Great sound compared to my Asus TF.

Well, the Asuses don't even have STEREO speakers. At least the Xoom was stereo, just rear-facing (which most of the time was OK, but front facing is so much better). Plus the Nexus uses standard USB charging, which is great. The only things better on the Xoom was having an SD slot, and the recessed, rear-mounted power button that would never get hit accidentally.

Also, the large screen size often results in the standard web page rather than the mobile version.

I use Firefox, so I have plugins. Including "phoney" which tells sites I am a desktop so I don't get those stupid "mobile" sites. (Plus Adblock Plus, plus Flash, plus some other nice stuff).
From what I can tell, only get the Note 10.1 if you REALLY REALLY want to use a stylus with your tablet, if not get the N10.
I had Nexus 10 for few days but returned it due to some issues may be specific to my unit (See my post "Returned my Nexus 10" if you are curious). Its a really nice tablet with the best resolution. After using it for sometime, I had wished few things would be there to make it more easy to use and productive. As I was researching other tablets I see that Note 10.1 has all of those things except the screen resolution :( Below are some of the things which note can do, but not Nexus 10.

1. As I was using Nexus 10, many times I wanted to change the brightness of the screen based on the lighting conditions or the app I'm using. The only way is to exit the app, web browser, movie etc.. and go to settings to change the brightness. With Note 10.1, you can just open the notification bar from the bottom right and change the brightness right there without exiting your app or movie.
2. If you want to copy the URL or text from the webpage or your email client to a notepad, with nexus 10, you have to exit the app, launch notepad and paste, repeat the process if you want to do it over and over. With Note, you can just launch browser and notepad side by side and do that right there.
3. With note, you can launch calendar, notepad, calculator and few other apps without leaving your main app. Its really handy.
4. As S-pen is like a mouse, with many websites where they have submenu, you can just hover your s-pen on the main menu and submenu will open and you can select the item. Its really useful as now a days many websites have this kind of menu structure. See bestbuy.com for example.
5. You can do a lot more with s-pen.
6. N10 resolution is great but the colors kinda look washed out. They don't pop out as much as on the Note 10.1 screen.

Recently there is a premium suite release with Jelly bean for Note which adds lots of features. You can see the video on YouTube. With all of these nice features Note 10.1 is a really productive tablet, except the resolution. There is a rumor of 8" Note releasing in next few months. It has the same resolution but with lower screen size the PPI would be higher. Tablet weight is also almost half of the current 10.1.

I had Nexus 10 for few days but returned it due to some issues may be specific to my unit (See my post "Returned my Nexus 10" if you are curious). Its a really nice tablet with the best resolution. After using it for sometime, I had wished few things would be there to make it more easy to use and productive. As I was researching other tablets I see that Note 10.1 has all of those things except the screen resolution :( Below are some of the things which note can do, but not Nexus 10.

1. As I was using Nexus 10, many times I wanted to change the brightness of the screen based on the lighting conditions or the app I'm using. The only way is to exit the app, web browser, movie etc.. and go to settings to change the brightness. With Note 10.1, you can just open the notification bar from the bottom right and change the brightness right there without exiting your app or movie.
2. If you want to copy the URL or text from the webpage or your email client to a notepad, with nexus 10, you have to exit the app, launch notepad and paste, repeat the process if you want to do it over and over. With Note, you can just launch browser and notepad side by side and do that right there.
3. With note, you can launch calendar, notepad, calculator and few other apps without leaving your main app. Its really handy.
4. As S-pen is like a mouse, with many websites where they have submenu, you can just hover your s-pen on the main menu and submenu will open and you can select the item. Its really useful as now a days many websites have this kind of menu structure. See bestbuy.com for example.
5. You can do a lot more with s-pen.
6. N10 resolution is great but the colors kinda look washed out. They don't pop out as much as on the Note 10.1 screen.

Recently there is a premium suite release with Jelly bean for Note which adds lots of features. You can see the video on YouTube. With all of these nice features Note 10.1 is a really productive tablet, except the resolution. There is a rumor of 8" Note releasing in next few months. It has the same resolution but with lower screen size the PPI would be higher. Tablet weight is also almost half of the current 10.1.


Yeah they really went all out with the S-Pen. I wanna try it out.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Android Central Forums
Very good points AHG....
funny how they removed the brightness slider from 4.1 to 4.2, that is a nice feature....

One big benefit with the N10, (like my Xoom I just sold) it will be supported for at least 2 years hopefully...
I had Nexus 10 for few days but returned it due to some issues may be specific to my unit (See my post "Returned my Nexus 10" if you are curious). Its a really nice tablet with the best resolution. After using it for sometime, I had wished few things would be there to make it more easy to use and productive. As I was researching other tablets I see that Note 10.1 has all of those things except the screen resolution :( Below are some of the things which note can do, but not Nexus 10.

1. As I was using Nexus 10, many times I wanted to change the brightness of the screen based on the lighting conditions or the app I'm using. The only way is to exit the app, web browser, movie etc.. and go to settings to change the brightness. With Note 10.1, you can just open the notification bar from the bottom right and change the brightness right there without exiting your app or movie.
2. If you want to copy the URL or text from the webpage or your email client to a notepad, with nexus 10, you have to exit the app, launch notepad and paste, repeat the process if you want to do it over and over. With Note, you can just launch browser and notepad side by side and do that right there.
3. With note, you can launch calendar, notepad, calculator and few other apps without leaving your main app. Its really handy.
4. As S-pen is like a mouse, with many websites where they have submenu, you can just hover your s-pen on the main menu and submenu will open and you can select the item. Its really useful as now a days many websites have this kind of menu structure. See bestbuy.com for example.
5. You can do a lot more with s-pen.
6. N10 resolution is great but the colors kinda look washed out. They don't pop out as much as on the Note 10.1 screen.

Recently there is a premium suite release with Jelly bean for Note which adds lots of features. You can see the video on YouTube. With all of these nice features Note 10.1 is a really productive tablet, except the resolution. There is a rumor of 8" Note releasing in next few months. It has the same resolution but with lower screen size the PPI would be higher. Tablet weight is also almost half of the current 10.1.

In my view your bullet points are simply personal critiques of convenience rather than actual deficiencies of the N10.

In regards to your first point for example, taking an extra step to adjust the brightness may be somewhat less convenient on the N10, but there is nothing you can do to fix the resolution on the Note. So, for me, this is a knock on the Note, not N10 - besides there is an auto adjustment for brightness. However, even if that did not work to your satisfaction, again, there is a way to adjust brightness on N10 while there is no way to adjust resolution to match N10 on Note.

Copy/pasting is still easily done on N10, maybe a step less on Note, but not a deal breaker. Running two apps on the same screen is impressive, convenient , and nice, but again not a deal breaker since you can run multiple apps on N10 and easily switch from one to the other.

Is there something the S-Pen can do that a stylus pen cannot? The Note was my second choice behind the N10, so I do not hate it, but looking at both screens, the N10 looks noticeably better than the Note, so I cannot agree that the N10 colors looked washed out. In short, overall, the N10 screen looks significantly better than the Note.

Regardless, the Note is not bad - especially since you can expand the memory, but between the two, I still consider the N10 to be better overall. However, this is part of the beauty of Android, we have choices! Enjoy.
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1. As I was using Nexus 10, many times I wanted to change the brightness of the screen based on the lighting conditions or the app I'm using. The only way is to exit the app, web browser, movie etc.. and go to settings to change the brightness. With Note 10.1, you can just open the notification bar from the bottom right and change the brightness right there without exiting your app or movie.

Correction, the Nexus 10 can change the brightness with as much ease. In this case, the Nexus 10's brightness can be changed by using the notification bar (upper right) - where you bring down all of your settings. The easiest way to do this would be to press the multitask button (the "reverse" looking arrow) and then dragging it down. Then you can simply click on the app you were running - not having to go into settings whatsoever. I use this quite a bit as I don't mind the auto-brightness while browsing or playing basic games - but want to have full brightness while watching films or anime.

2. If you want to copy the URL or text from the webpage or your email client to a notepad, with nexus 10, you have to exit the app, launch notepad and paste, repeat the process if you want to do it over and over. With Note, you can just launch browser and notepad side by side and do that right there.
3. With note, you can launch calendar, notepad, calculator and few other apps without leaving your main app. Its really handy.

This, as mentioned, is convenience. I have the Note II with the same feature ("floating windows") and it's not always that nice to have - as it will get in the way at times (then again, the Note II is significantly smaller than the Note 10.1). Though, in reality, it isn't as difficult as you made it out to be, either. But I will say, the multiple apps side by side can be fairly handy - this was the biggest main reason I was considering the Note 10.1 when I was about to purchase my tablet.

6. N10 resolution is great but the colors kinda look washed out. They don't pop out as much as on the Note 10.1 screen.

Coincidentally, this is the problem I had with the Note 10.1 - the colours were faded and seemed dull, compared to the Nexus 10. As I was using a display model, I did take in my Nexus 10 (post-purchase, of course) and compared them side to side. If your brightness is turned down, I would have to agree with you. But full brightness on both devices, the Nexus 10 was more vivid and was better (not just in resolution). Then again, TouchWiz tends to focus on high-contrast, versus "real colours" (which is a pain in the butt as an artist/visually 'nitpicky' of a person like myself). I have this issue with the Note II; if it weren't for its amazing battery life and it's larger display... I'd probably go back to using my Galaxy S3.

The S-Pen is the main reason to get a Note 10.1. With the S-Pen, you have more functionality with the pen than you would with a regular capacitive stylus; as the S-Pen uses Wacom technology and due to that.. has pressure sensitivity. It's great for drawing (which, aside from the "fake colours" is amazing) and for writing notes (college student), as well as increased functionality. All-in-all, I would probably say that you should go with the Note 10.1, based on what you've said you wanted. Here's a few points:

1: Adobe Flash - You can side load Flash if you really want. It's simply not "supported" by any newer Android versions. This means you'll have to enable "install from untrusted sources" and load the apk on its own. Then you can use Flash with a supported browser (mainly, Firefox, at the moment).
2: Microsoft Silverlight - crxssi has already explained the highlights here. There isn't an Android tablet on the market that's going to support Silverlight. I can't seem to fathom why this would be something you want, perhaps something you need? There are few Silverlight applications that actually work.. even fewer that works well.

Yes, you'll be sacrificing picture and sound (Nexus 10 has one of the best placement of speakers in any tablet I've seen or toyed with) for functionality and multitasking ability. Not to say that the Nexus 10 lacks the ability to multitask, just not "side-by-side".
I recommend waited like 2 months. I hear there is a rumor that google is release a updated gpu Nexus 10. The rumor seems to be spreading.
I recommend waited like 2 months. I hear there is a rumor that google is release a updated gpu Nexus 10. The rumor seems to be spreading.

It can spread as much as it wants, it's still just a rumor. And they all spread quickly once they hit the internet.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Android Central Forums
Support for the device is excellent, as long as you buy it through the Play Store. If you buy it anywhere else, any problems you have will be routed to Samsung and likely lost. The tablet itself is amazing, I would just highly recommend buying through the Play Store in case you do need to make use of support.

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