I'm surprised


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Oct 31, 2010
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There is more talk about a phone that doesn't and probably won't exist on the same network and manufacturer (Merge) as this phone. What gives? Do people in general don't think or feel this phone is not an awesome device? I can't wait for it's release.

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Dec 1, 2009
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I'm very excited for it. However, three things scare me...

1) Price. How much is this baby going to cost since Big Red may try to convince us that a phone and a bastardized PSP is worth an extra $100-$150?

2) Battery life. If I'm playing games all day how quickly am I going to need a recharge versus other Android devices with similar battery life issues?

3) Sony is notorious for dragging their feet on software updates. Will XDA embrace this bad boy and make some Vanilla or at least more interesting ROMs since SE probably won't?


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Oct 31, 2010
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I'm very excited for it. However, three things scare me...

1) Price. How much is this baby going to cost since Big Red may try to convince us that a phone and a bastardized PSP is worth an extra $100-$150?

2) Battery life. If I'm playing games all day how quickly am I going to need a recharge versus other Android devices with similar battery life issues?

3) Sony is notorious for dragging their feet on software updates. Will XDA embrace this bad boy and make some Vanilla or at least more interesting ROMs since SE probably won't?

I have a Droid X now, and I'm looking forward to this phone very much. I've been researching this as much as I can, and from what I've found, you have nothing to worry about. I on the other hand I do.. here's why.

1) Price, it will be the same as any high end Andriod phone, $200 with contract.

2) Guys who have previewed this device are saying they can go all day with heavy use. Battery life looks real good.

3) Sony has decided to arm the Play with gingerbread. That's a good sign if you ask me. If they were releasing with froyo or lower, I would tend to think they just don't care.

What I'm worried about is going down in screen size. I vowed I wouldn't do that, so im not sure if a 4" screen will keep me happy. I'll have to see it in person I suppose.

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Sir Lala

Feb 19, 2011
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From what I've heard about the battery life, this Play is looking mighty interesting...

My wallet is going to be noticeably thinner this year! :D


Nov 20, 2010
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I, for one, am very excited about this phone, and price depending, i may get it. Ive always loved my psp, but hated having to carry it around. And while gaming on my incredible can be fun, the touchscreen can get annoying over time. For me, this phone is perfect, slide out gamepad and a front facing camera (which ive always wanted). Hopefully they suuport it with some good playstation games and this will be a great device.


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Dec 1, 2009
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I, for one, am very excited about this phone, and price depending, i may get it. Ive always loved my psp, but hated having to carry it around. And while gaming on my incredible can be fun, the touchscreen can get annoying over time. For me, this phone is perfect, slide out gamepad and a front facing camera (which ive always wanted). Hopefully they suuport it with some good playstation games and this will be a great device.

I'm really excited too, any know if they'll have any games for online play, ie Black ops?


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Oct 31, 2010
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Yea, they will have Dungeon Defenders, which you can get now it the market. Not only is it online, its cross platform with ios, and soon to be xbox and pc

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Jan 18, 2011
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with console emulators for android, this phone gets quite interesting. Though I have to wonder if sony will try to get the psx emulator nixed.


Jan 15, 2011
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Any rumors on a release date yet? I've given up on the TB and if this is close as far as dates go, I may just wait an additional few weeks.


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Aug 30, 2010
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Look we have all wanted a gaming device... we all know that Android lacks games, but this will not help, making a device almost an inch thicker just to add a keypad makes it almost redundant to have as a cell phone.

To my understanding is that these games that come to the Xperia Play, might come on devices with Gingerbread anyways, so why fret? all touch controls are better than dual touch analogs. Yes, I am a gamer, a PC gamer mainly(Team Fortress 2, Crysis, Halo, Resident Evil 5, Dead Space, GTAIV, I am a big gamer). However this is a cell phone, I am fine with time killers, Plants VS Zombies, Angry Birds, NOVA, maybe emulating NES or SNES(very practical emulators I should add). However playing Spyro on the go? Really it sounds great but when a Nexus S can do the same thing it sorta adds to the reason why you would want a device to just have keypad with hotkeys on it.

Plus, you can use a keyboard such as one like the Droid 2 or G2, play games the same, sure it's harder to remember, but at least the keyboard serves as a practical efficient purpose.


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Oct 31, 2010
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Okay Smoke, you must be smoking something, because the phone's TOTAL thickness is only 16mm, which is about .6 inches. This makes the Xperia Play a mere quarter inch thicker than my non-slide out DroidX. So when you say "makes the device an inch thicker", I know you're a troll. Nobody likes a troll. Nobody likes people who just throw garbage information out there like you do. Learn to research facts before you open your piehole. And if you don't like this phone, I recommend you leave this thread, okay?

I do have to admit that what you said about games that come to the Play will be available on other Gingerbread devices is true.


This could be an good thing for sonyerricson hardware. You get a taste of the good games on your Evo, Thunderbolt or whatnot, and you're left wanting more... A physical gamepad. I can give you two reasons why a physical controller is better than what current android or iphone/ipod touch devices have now. Driving games. How annoying is it to rotate and shake your screen just so you can control your vehicle? Ever try drifting in NFS Shift? My god man, it's horrible! Makes the game unplayable. It's like me picking up my tv and rotating it around so I can control my car in Forza. Dungeon Defenders. Controlling my character requires me to have both my thumbs on the screen at all times. That reduces my screen size considerably, and limits what little view I have already.
This phone is not for everyone, but its a great option for some of us gamers.

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Panda Motherfrinkin King
Nov 8, 2009
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I have been wondering why the news of this device hasnt made any waves.. till I used one for awhile. and while its a nice device there are some concerns.

Size.. to be honest I feel the phone is TOO small.. its not big enough to be a proper gaming device yet not small enough to be a phone. if you going to do it then do it. a 4.3 screen would have given it added real estate it needs. (and I dont have that big of a hand)

Battery life.. again a larger unit would have given more space.. as it stands it last about as long as other units but they gamepad requires power and the cpu is hitting the juice hard during gaming..

Processor.. again sony made do with what was avail at the time for the price point they wanted to make. but with dual core being the new standard for what android gaming will do is this chip going to be enough? I dont think so.

all in all my impressions of the device are this.. its a really nice device and hardware build quality is top notch..it just feels Old when you use it and I dont feel that it will sell enough units to move the devs to code for the controller..


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Jan 18, 2011
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I agree that they dropped the ball by not going dual core. If it was xperia play would be near, if not on, top of my list of phones to consider when I upgrade from droid1.


Mar 5, 2011
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People can argue about CPU choices all they want, but at the end of the day the "bleeding edge" Android phones never get supported. Android is so fragmented that many developers would rather develop for a broad range of phones rather than a select group.

As for battery life, I seriously hope you've actually looked at the numbers before talking about it. Sony released them last month and their quite good. Remember, this is why Nintendo has never pushed their handhelds as graphical beasts. They'd rather have longer battery life than flashier graphics. It's logical and a very sound way to go.

Also, games designed for this phone are being optimized for the phone. This is huge because developers have a set of guidelines they have to meet in order to have their games certified for the PlayStation Store. Optimization is also a huge win for the end user because it results in better performance.

Clearly a lot of people here are completely the wrong target audience for this phone.


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Oct 31, 2010
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People can argue about CPU choices all they want, but at the end of the day the "bleeding edge" Android phones never get supported. Android is so fragmented that many developers would rather develop for a broad range of phones rather than a select group.

As for battery life, I seriously hope you've actually looked at the numbers before talking about it. Sony released them last month and their quite good. Remember, this is why Nintendo has never pushed their handhelds as graphical beasts. They'd rather have longer battery life than flashier graphics. It's logical and a very sound way to go.

Also, games designed for this phone are being optimized for the phone. This is huge because developers have a set of guidelines they have to meet in order to have their games certified for the PlayStation Store. Optimization is also a huge win for the end user because it results in better performance.

Clearly a lot of people here are completely the wrong target audience for this phone.

I totally agree with what you're saying. You have these people saying that Sony dropped the ball, or that the phone would be so much better if it had eight cores, and a Tegra 7 chipset. Really? I mean you really think so? You think that Asphalt6 will run smoother with all this extra power? Of course not! And anybody is silly to think that. Its like saying, "Well Microsoft dropped the ball. Halo Reach Would run so much better if my xbox was more powerful." It's ask about optimizing for an platform...or in this case, a chipset.

Now maybe one's argument is that they don't want to play games on the Xperia Play (which again is silly). they wanna listen to music, read email, send txts, check their facebook, and make phone calls all at the same time, and that's why they need more horsepower, and less battery life. No.... that's where a faster phone won't help, because the limitation is vzw's network. Voice and data can't be done at the same time. :)

But it's funny you know. My DroidX is just about as fast as one could ask for. Navigating around, loading webpages, it's freaking fast. The OS hasn't caught up to the hardware yet, but wait, all these people still think they need mo'power.

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Feb 26, 2011
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I'm pretty interested in this phone. I was just worried about how good of a phone it would be compared to lets say a droid x and also is it just a gimmick or will the Game side of it be just as good as a PSP.

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