[Instruction] How to get a new phone and keep (legacy) Unlimited Data on Verizon


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Sep 3, 2014
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

let me know how that goes. thinking about doing the same thing. From what I'm reading it might just be easier to go through apple.com if you are looking to get a iphone shipped to you, but who knows.

I understand it's the same concept as Amazon/Costco but has anyone verified that the buying through Apple works as well?


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Aug 31, 2011
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

He actually did a hybrid of the transfer a udp upgrade method and the best buy method by removing the sim card the phone shipped with and skipping activating the phone on the 2GB TDP line. And of course, he didn't use a 3rd party retailer, he upgraded thru verizon.

So it looks like it is as simple as not using the sim card the phone ships with to foil the new system Verizon put in place on the 25th. It may be by doing it that way that none of his lines are stuck with the 2yr data plan commitment but we need more info from him to know.

I think it is highly likely this will work on a basic phone line also as long as you order thru a 3rd party retailer. I will try it when I have a basic phone line upgrade available in 2015.

What he did is nothing new, yes a little different but nothing new. He will still get a 2 year extension contract on his phone and I doubt very much that this will work on a basic line. People have done this before, I have been following both of this threads since they started not fit just a couple weeks.


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Jun 28, 2012
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Re: [Instruction] How to Keep Unlimited Data on Verizon

I was under the impression that when you charge the phone to the account you get hit with all of the communication taxes in lieu of sales tax, and since the former is greater than the latter, you pay more. Can you let us know if that is correct or not when you get your bill?

FWIW, my invoice had sales tax on it.

I have been attempting to complete the bestbuy method of this and have been experiencing some issues. I'm not sure if it was due to verizon systems, bestbuy's systems maybe out of the S5 (for shipping at least), or some of the questions they asked about the coverage zip (with a hint that you are to enter the zip code in which you use the phone in the most) and then they asked for the billing zip.

Most of the S5's at BB are not available for shipping right now, so that may be your problem. That said, BB is the best place to upgrade and keep UDP right now. I upgraded through Verizon with an upgrade transfer prior to the rule change last month.


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Jun 28, 2012
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Re: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price.

LG G3 is now available at BB for shipping! Two days after I ordered from Amazon!

Amazon has the 3rd party ETF of $400 if you don't follow their activation instructions. I don't believe you can keep UDP and avoid the ETF. Has anyone found a way to avoid that? Otherwise, if you get hit with the secondary ETF, you're almost better off just buying the phone outright; the only benefit to upgrading via Amazon would be the protection from throttling next month since you're under contract.


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Re: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price.

If you mean the secondary etf that amazon charges, posters on slick deals that have used the BB method at amazon have not been charged it so far. They have up to 181 days to charge it, though.

Okay, thanks. Just wanted to make sure Mike wasn't going to get an unpleasant surprise. The 181 days would still worry me personally, though.
Jun 16, 2014
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Re: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price.

Okay, thanks. Just wanted to make sure Mike wasn't going to get an unpleasant surprise. The 181 days would still worry me personally, though.

I appreciate that. I am going to take my chances. The phone should be waiting for me at home so, fingers crossed for the next 181 days!


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Aug 1, 2014
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

After following this thread for nearly half a year I decided to finally pull the trigger. I am upgrading my unlimited line which is on a family plan. Everything goes through normally until I get the the account verification page. I keep getting the error "Your wireless carrier has requested additional verification. Please call us at 1-877-702-2211. We'll be happy to help you complete your order. Please have this error code handy when you call: 53". Does anyone know how to fix this? I called both Best Buy and Verizon and they both tell me to call the other company. Kind of frustrating at this point.


Sep 1, 2014
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

Okay just got my note 3 in. It didn't come with a SIM card...

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Sep 5, 2014
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Re: Methods that will allow you to both get a subsidized phone and keep UDP after 8/24/14

How do I do the single line method for the iphone? I am sorry if these are dumb questions, but the following is my situation:

I have the following lines:

1. iphone5 with unlimited data (ready for upgrade)
2. iphone5 with unlimited data (ready for upgrade)
3. Samsung Galaxy 3 with tiered data plan
4. Dumb phone
5. Dumb phone

I am thinking of doing the single line Best Buy method as that looks the easiest. However, let's say I want to order the new iphone 6 for my line 1. I would order it online from best buy, have it shipped to my house, do not turn it on, and put my SIM card from iphone5 to the new iphone6. Do I have this right? Also, any advice on how I can take out the SIM card out of my iphone 5? Do I need to take it apart?

Sorry, I know it's a lot of questions. Any advice will help!!


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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

It's new because he did it after the 24th. Everyone else before him did it before the 25th. That is what makes his post important.

That was never in dispute. What is unknown is which line gets the 2yr data plan min $30/mo requirement when you do an upgrade transfer. I think by doing it the way he did it he may have avoided either line getting stuck with it.

First be clear - I never said I thought it would work on Verizon with a basic line. I said 3rd party retailer - there is a difference due to the switch order. I will let you all know in 2015 when I have a basic line upgrade available.

It is completely irrelevant if someone did it before the 25th. We all did it before the 25th with no worries b/c there was no 2yr min $30/mo data plan requirement. Do you not get why things are different now?

Well then you should know why things are different now. I really don't understand why you don't understand that. It has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum.

Understand this, stop writing a damn book after my posts because I don't care what you have to say. Now do you understand? And yes by the way I have seen other people do it after the 25.


Sep 4, 2014
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

It's okay I'm back! Here's what I can tell you since I've activated the phone.

1.) my UDP line has been extended under contract by 2 years (I expected this)
2.) the 2gb donor line which used the upgrade did NOT have it's contract effected. It's eligible for an upgrade in a month.
3.) Pending activation- Verizon is aware that their SIM card has not yet been activated and if I go to switch device verizon isn't quite sure what to do because they call it an iphone but show my G3. They offer me to use the SIM on the new device but that may be a different process to get it out of the implied pending status. There's no warning about not ever activating it that I've seen but I could be overlooking this. I will mention that on verizons bloatware there is an app to look at my current plan and it does list data as unlimited without referring to current use. I'll answer more questions as they happen I'm just not on these particular forums everyday.



Sep 4, 2014
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

Are you left with a pending order on your 2GB TDP line? You can check this by logging on and clicking activate or switch a device and then selecting your 2GB TDP line to see if you are or not.

Are you left with a 2yr data plan commitment on the 2GB TDP line?

Can you show us a screen shot of the contract end dates of the UDP line and the 2GB TDP line? Is there any indication the 2G TDP line is somehow committed to a 2yr data plan? You may have to actually try to put a basic line on the 2GB TDP line to know that, which I am not asking you to do, I just want to know if you have any indication of whether or not the 2GB TDP line is stuck with a 2yr data plan commitment.

Sorry I did mean donee line before. Didn't mean to confuse!

1.) Pending order left on the 2gb line? Yes....I think. Verizon doesn't come out and say it but they know I didn't activate it the way they asked.
2.) 2gb line is off contract next month so no.
3.) provided screenies above
4.) No indication from anything I've seen on the 2gb line saying its committed.

I checked out mr toad's thing but I can't find a way to suspend a line from the myverizon app. I think if I can manage to suspend the line (will research how to do) I'm in the clear. Will update again.


Aug 17, 2014
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Re: Methods that will allow you to both get a subsidized phone and keep UDP after 8/24/14

Just coming back for an update. Ordered the Gold / Copper GS5 form Best Buy last week as it was the only S5 available to have shipped. I originally ordered it in black but then it became not available to have shipped. So can confirm, Best Buy method still works. The new Gold S5 came yesterday and I have kept my UDP thus far with a two year extension.
(Edit) Also, I kept going onto Best Buy's website to check the shipping availability of the GS5's while mine was in processing. All except the gold was unavailable up until yesterday when i received mine. It just figures...


Sep 4, 2014
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

Tripling my post count today. Tried mr toad's method of suspending/resuming the 2gb line but I still get this screen below. Didn't seem to do anything. However, I can skip past it to the screen you just quoted at the bottom. And yes, the UDP line has been extended by 2 years. Am I answering that one right?

pending activation.png


Sep 5, 2014
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UDP - Just a Little Help (Because I think I turned into my dad)

I have to say, 35 years ago, I could have kept up with most of you. And in fact, I probably could have taught you some things. But the realization has begun that I have turned into my father. This is ALL a blur. I was once the first one to show up when the VCR kept flashing *12:00* *12:00* *12:00*.... But times have changed (Very old joke that most of you probably won't even get)

Here are the facts and my question:

Verizon - Family Plan
Nationwide TLK&TXT Share 1400 - $100
20% Access Discount - Acct. Level $100 + $9.99 -$22.00

1st Line
Line Access $9.99
Data Package/2GB $30.00

2nd Line
Line Access $9.99
Email & Web Unlimited $29.99
Talk & Text Plus Data $20 Disc. -$20.00

3rd Line
Line Access $9.99
Email & Web Unlimited $29.99
Talk & Text Plus Data $20 Disc. -$20.00

4th Line
Line Access $9.99
Email & Web Unlimited $29.99
Talk & Text Plus Data $20 Disc. -$20.00

After taxes, licenses, and (maybe circumcision fees), my total MONTHLY bill is $188.65 for the FOUR iPhones. Not bad....

My step-sons were extremely happy and grateful to get their phones, although they weren't the first ones to get it. ALL the lines on our plans are eligible for an upgrade. My wife and I probably wouldn't exceed 2-3 GB, but my "fear" is with my two teenage stepsons. I'd like to get them the new iPhones when they come out. Am I screwed in the hopes of KEEPING my UDP. Does the fact that I have a 2GB "phone" and paying the $30 per month plan help me at all? I've tried reading through the numerous threads and postings, but I'm just having a hard time keeping up. I keep seeing that VCR flashing *12:00* :D

Would ANYONE care to maybe help this "old-timer" out and to try and save face with a couple of teenage boys? They KNOW I cheap, but I hate to throw it out there one more time. It's becoming more evident...

Thanks for any input you have and are willing to pass on...

Mr. Toad

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Feb 6, 2011
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Re: UDP - Just a Little Help (Because I think I turned into my dad)

You may want to wait a little longer till all of these things get confirmed but this may the way you can use your upgrades based on what Scyzek posted. You may have a problem with a pending activation after you do the first transfer.

The first thing you should do is use your upgrade on Line 1, the tiered phone. It will be easier if all the phones use the same size SIM card. You also might want to purchase or borrow a used LTE phone so no one will go without a phone. After you use the tiered upgraded you will transfer a upgrade from the unlimited line to the tiered line. When you get the phone discard the sim and use the sim you had already activated for the line that you want the new phone on.

You will be left with a pending activation on the tiered line. You will not be able to order anymore phones until you get rid of that. I was able to get rid of a pending activation by activating the order on verizonwireless.com and then using the MY Verizon App to suspend the line and then reactivating it. I don't know if this will work for you. I also do not know when or if a pending order will naturally drop off an account.

Mr. Toad

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Feb 6, 2011
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Re: Verizon: How to keep Unlimited Data and get phone on subsidized price

Did you activate the order on the tiered line first? I activated the order on verizonwireless.com. It left me with no phone on the line for a couple days and stated pending order. I was then able to suspend the line with billing using the myverizon app. I then unsuspened the line and it asked if what phone to put on the line. I chose the old dumbphone to activate.


Sep 5, 2014
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Re: UDP - Just a Little Help (Because I think I turned into my dad)

Thanks for the reply Mr.Toad.

Reading the posting by Scyzek, I'm now getting confused with the 4G sim card. In that same posting, it reads that the 4S sim cards are NOT 4G and would NOT be able to work.

My initial plan was just to upgrade the phone with the 2GB tiered plan on it and then swap it around "online" to one of the other lines. Then just activate the old 4S on the tiered line again and transfer a upgrade from another phone. But has Verizon shut this method down also?

Would it be BETTER to buy the CHEAPEST/USED 4G phone out there, and then
1. activate CHEAP/USED it on my UDP
2. upgrade/activate my 2GB tiered line with NEW phone.
3. Swap sim from CHEAP/USED 4G phone to new phone
4. Activate old 4S on 2GB tiered plan
5. Get NEW SIM for CHEAP/USED 4G phone (Hopefully Verizon)
6. Activate CHEAP/USED 4G on another UDP line
7. Transfer upgrade from another UDP line to 2GB tiered line

Repeat steps 2 - 7 again?

What is the CHEAPEST phone out there that uses the 4G sim cards - for Verizon?

My head hurts


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Mar 11, 2014
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What do you all think about the new Moto X? When it's released could you get it under contract through Moto Maker and ship it directly to your house then use your old SIM card when you turn on?

Sounds like Moto Maker will be available for Verizon. I'm assuming that means you could get it at the subsidized price.

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