[Instruction] How to renew your UDP line to avoid the $20 out of contract increase


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
For more information on the increase, see this thread.

The price increase affects customers with the legacy Unlimited Data Plan ($29.99) on their older lines that are out of contract.

The exceptions are:
  • lines that are still under contract.
  • government accounts.
  • corporate/business accounts (Note: this does not refer to lines that have corporate discounts).
  • legacy Alltel plans where the data plan was NOT a separate cost.

This guide will cover ways to get a UDP line on-contract.


Currently there are two separate loyalty promotions available. I'm currently on an older NATIONWIDE TALK SHARE plan and these were available to me:


If you're currently out of contract, applying either of these to your account will put you back on contract for one more year. Since you'll be back on-contract, an ETF will again apply should you decide to leave ($175).

If you still have over a year left on your current contract - do not add these. They take effect from the day or billing cycle that you add them to. They will not extend your contract beyond the current end date.

If you have less than a year left on your current contract, I recommend calling in during month 23 or 24 to get the most out of the extension.

How to add a promotion -

Call Verizon Wireless customer service (*611 from your device) and get transferred to speak to a live representative. Tell them you're inquiring about any bonus or loyalty promotions that could possibly apply to your account. They will spend a moment or two looking around and may need to poke around "different areas" to find something. (I casually mentioned that "a friend of mine was able to get 100 bonus minutes"). Be cheerful and energetic. Don't put anyone in a bad mood.

If the representative is unable to find anything for you, that's fine. Be polite. Say, "thank you for checking", and try again later with another call.

While two options are available, you may want to only add one of them then call back in a year to add the other to get another extension. Adding both at the same time will not put you into a two year contract.


With a UDP line out of contract, you are eligible to get upgrade pricing with a 2-year contract renewal. However, if you upgrade on your UDP line, you will have to select a new tiered data plan.

If you have other non-UDP lines on your account, you can transfer the upgrade to one of those lines. When you use the upgrade on one of those lines, it renews the contract of the UDP line. You can do this in-store but IMO it is safer to do this yourself online at Verizon Wireless. Verizon posts instructions on an FAQ here.

Can I transfer my upgrade to someone else on my plan?

Sure can! Here’s the deal: Log in to My Verizon, then go to the Upgrade Device page and click Transfer Upgrade. Select the mobile number you want to upgrade. This will transfer upgrade eligibility to that line. Pick the device you want to upgrade to, click next, and follow the onscreen prompts to complete the remaining steps. Easy! (Just remember, when you transfer eligibility from one line to another, the original line is no longer eligible for the upgrade discount.)

Buy a new phone using the Upgrade Discount and activate it on the non-UDP line. You may want to use it in the device for about an hour. Then, simply swap the new SIM back to the previous device. Feel free to use the new device on the UDP line or sell it. (Or just use the new device on the non-UDP line).

Line 1: UDP with UPGRADE AVAILABLE (possibly also out of contract)
Line 2: TDP no UPGRADE AVAILABLE (currently on-contract)

Transfer upgrade from Line 1 to Line 2. Buy new phone with Line 2's new available upgrade. Activate phone (on Line 2, new SIM usually provided). Line 1 goes back onto a 2-year contract. Line 2's contract/upgrade date is unaffected.


My advice initially: get yourself another year by using a Loyalty Promotion as mentioned above.

If you want to get back on a two-year contract (or maybe try a new device out), refer to the section in the Unlimited Data FAQ for Upgrades and New Lines thread about Keeping Unlimited Data When upgrading using either of these methods: Upgrade with one unlimited line (Best Buy Method) or Upgrading with two unlimited lines.

I would recommend the "Best Buy Method" where you buy a new phone through Best Buy (or other third-party retailer) and have it shipped to you. Do not turn the new phone on. Remove and destroy the SIM card that it shipped with. Your contract will be renewed for another two years and you will still have your UDP.

If you see any errors, or would like to add some detail, please feel free to post below.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
So I am an Alltel guy. It's amazing that no one in the store stated this. In fact they never stated any exceptions. Glad I did not switch. The CS rep in the store asked if I had heard anything from VZW and I said no. He said that was weird and now I know why.

I still have my circle of friends. Lol


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
So I am an Alltel guy. It's amazing that no one in the store stated this. In fact they never stated any exceptions. Glad I did not switch. The CS rep in the store asked if I had heard anything from VZW and I said no. He said that was weird and now I know why.

I still have my circle of friends. Lol

This was part of Verizon's official statement.

Verizon will not increase the price on any lines with an unlimited data plan that is currently in a two-year contract until the customer completes that contract or enters into a new contract. This increase does not affect government or corporate accounts that have unlimited data.


New member
Nov 10, 2015
Question: I have a UDP that is eligible for an upgrade. Can I switch the upgrade to another phone, then go to Best Buy to purchase the phone and they will see the upgrade on the non UDP phone? Or do they have to do the switch upgrade when I purchase the phone? In other words does the upgrade switch only happen during the transaction to purchase a new phone or can it be done in advance? I want to get the switch done before the 15th! Thanks!


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
Question: I have a UDP that is eligible for an upgrade. Can I switch the upgrade to another phone, then go to Best Buy to purchase the phone and they will see the upgrade on the non UDP phone? Or do they have to do the switch upgrade when I purchase the phone? In other words does the upgrade switch only happen during the transaction to purchase a new phone or can it be done in advance? I want to get the switch done before the 15th! Thanks!

What's your line situation like?

Line 1: UDP, Upgrade Available, Out Of Contract
Line 2: TDP, No Upgrade Available, On Contract

When you enter your account information on Best Buy's site, you'll be able to transfer upgrades from other lines on the account. Put Line 2's number as the line you want the new phone for.

But I'm not sure if the line transfers are good to go outside of VZW.com when it comes to keeping UDP.
Last edited:


New member
Nov 10, 2015
Thanks. This is exactly the case. I will want to transfer the UDP upgrade to the TDP, no upgrade on contract. I'll try that.


Apr 4, 2012
Ok guys need help please,

I am away from home girlfriend's phone is 2500 miles away.

L1: udp 700 talk unl txt
L2: tdp (I believe) she shares txt ant talk but has her own data that I pay seperate

L1: out of contract w/upgrade avalible
L2: in contract no upgrade avalible

Can I transfer and go into a store purchase phone and make this all work while keeping udp. I guess where I am getting lost is the sim card thing?

And the fact that I have no access to her phone to activate the sim on.

I would think I could transfer upgrade to L2: get phone install the sim (that came new with that phone)? activate? Use for a bit. Then remove new sim and send it to her via mail? And new phone would get sold or wait till I need it.

But I keep reading do not use the sim that comes with the phone?

Sorry for the long post its hard keeping up when I'm away at work and found out about the increase late in the game.

JT Hawk

Nov 11, 2015
I have 4 lines on Plan: NATIONWIDE TLK&TXT SHARE 1400

L1 UDP upgrade available
L2 UDP no upgrade available until May 2016
L3 TDP Upgrade available
L4 DumbPhone No upgrade available

My Goal is to renew 2 year on L1 and L2 UDP lines so I can avoid $20 price increase.

What are my options and how do I execute them.

Thank You in Advance This thread is awesome! #riseup #??????


New member
Dec 17, 2011
hey guys - ive been here for awhile but haven't logged in recently. not sure what my sig says. i currently have a droid 3 on udp, and was wondering if i call TODAY before midnight, if i would still be able to get into the contract under the loyalty route you described. the loyalty route, i believe, is my only option, as i am forced to upgrade to a tiered-data plan if i want to upgrade my phone.

i only have one device on my plan.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

I can't do upgrade transfer now because my contract isn't over yet. But if I wait until it's over and do it, won't the $20 increase kick in the day after my current contract ends?



Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

The upgrade needs to be finalized before the end of the cycle in which upd ends


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

The upgrade needs to be finalized before the end of the cycle in which upd ends

how does one accomplish that? the line doesn't become upgrade-eligible until the contract ends, no?



Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

how does one accomplish that? the line doesn't become upgrade-eligible until the contract ends, no?

The billing cycle.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

The billing cycle.

you mean I only have to upgrade before the end of the billing cycle?

so I just have to do it in this order?

(1) new billing cycle starts on Sept. 7
(2) contract on the unlimited data line ends Sept. 20
(3) on Sept. 22, transfer the upgrade to a tiered data line on my account and order a new phone
(4) unlimited data line goes into another 2-year contract again

Does that sound about right?



Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?



Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

oh boy, I think I'm screwed....

just logged into my account and realized that my contract end day will be the same day as the last day of my billing cycle in September. anyway to ask Verizon to change my billing cycle now? :(

on top of that, the other 2 lines on my account(both basic phones) are no longer on contract as of last month. I guess I should have been checking my account more closely. Since those two lines are eligible for 2-year contract upgrades, the UDP line's upgrade can't be transferred to them now, right? :(


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

oh boy, I think I'm screwed....

just logged into my account and realized that my contract end day will be the same day as the last day of my billing cycle in September. anyway to ask Verizon to change my billing cycle now? :(

on top of that, the other 2 lines on my account(both basic phones) are no longer on contract as of last month. I guess I should have been checking my account more closely. Since those two lines are eligible for 2-year contract upgrades, the UDP line's upgrade can't be transferred to them now, right? :(

What plan are you currently on?


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Nov 16, 2010
Re: unlimited data contract ends in 2 months, how do I get around the $20 increase?

Nationwide 700 minute family share.

Thanks! :)

What's the line set up?

Lx, Phone, Upgrade Status, Contract End Date

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