Leaving T-Mobile

I just recently signed up for the 90 days. Try T-Mobile promotion for free. I've been on Verizon for a little bit and I've tried T-Mobile before a while back so I wanted to test to see if there were any differences in the service... I've noticed my Verizon service near the house is not as good as it used to be. That's the reason for me trying out T-Mobile... I can get the 55+ plan for $70 two lines but if I port one line it's $50 all in..we shall see in 85 days ..haha

Well how did you like t-mobile? I've thought about signing up. But my last experience with them wasn't good compared with Verizon. Thanks
Well how did you like t-mobile? I've thought about signing up. But my last experience with them wasn't good compared with Verizon. Thanks
I ported my lines to T-Mobile and haven't looked back ..I think the service is better than Verizon by me ... And faster ... So far only one area in the Brooklyn battery tunnel where Verizon works and T-Mobile does not but it's a quick drive though for me ... I'm mainly city so don't have much testing for outer areas.. Verizon was giving me issues here on Staten Island...I recommend anyone with E-Sim compatible phone to test drive T-Mobile network for free...
Has anyone tried Pure Talk? They apparently use the same mobile networks but their prices seem WAY lower than the big name carriers.
My plan is $160ish but my bill is right at $225. Running 6 lines, 3 phones and 3 watches. Add ons are device protection, 1 watch that is about to be paid off, watch plans and something else (can't remember if it's for visual voicemail or whatever).

Unlimited Freedom plan. If I trimmed down the protection, etc, it would be cheaper. I'm thinking about in a few months dropping 2 LTE services out of 3 on the watches and maybe protection on one of the phones (Pixel 6).

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