iOS and cardDAV


Nov 20, 2012
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I followed the instructions on how to set up a cardDAV account from the google website Everything went fine, except when I try to create a new contact. I have 281 contacts on my iCloud account, and when i switch to google it say i have 290. When i check mark both accounts i have 298.
So my first question is, when I set up carddav, why do i have extra contacts on Google if carDAV works smoothly with iOS?

If I modify anything in iCloud, it gets sync'd to google. However if I try to add a new contact in Apple Contacts it doesn't show up in google anymore; the reverse is also true.
With my old contacts i see on each entry an iCloud and cardDAV (Linked Contacts). On new entries there is no such link.

In my Apple Contacts preferences, I left the default account as iCloud. If I change it to google per the instructions, then new contacts are added to google, but not added to Apple Contacts.

This new cardDAV approach seems very close, but not exactly what I need. Gmail is my primary email, but Apple Contacts is my primary address book. My devices are all Apple: Macbook, iPad and iPhone 5. iCloud works perfectly between the devices. I want to add google as a "device" to this arrangement, because I got a Nexus 4 that Im trying out, and want to sync back and forth between the two device. Is there any way to accomplish what I am trying to do?

Thanks in advance for the help.

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