Is google backing up my photos?


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Feb 25, 2010
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This is my 2nd N1 I sold the first one, the thing is after setting up my brand new N1 i installed a live wallpaper creepy crawlies and when applying it I realized that this new phone with a new SD card displayed a background photo which I had taken on my old N1 this is so strange. So I installed the live wallpaper on my friends N1 and it embarrisingly displayed a nude pic which he told me he had deleted over 3 weeks back, we checked his SD card and the photo was not there. Can someone help me solve this mystery?

Try a factory restore and then install creepy crawlies see what image it uses for the background.


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Oct 24, 2008
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That's really odd. I honestly don't know what to tell you if you used a different N1 and different micro SD card...


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
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Embarrassing nude pic FTW! That aside, I wonder how installing the "live wallpaper" has anything to do with pulling the old pic in, but I don't own an N1 yet, maybe it's obvious to those that have them. Was the old pic previously used as a wallpaper in each case? If pics are backed up to the cloud, 1. wouldn't all of them be there? 2. wouldn't you be able to see them in photos/picasa or somehwhere in your goog account?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
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lol yea he was shocked. I dont have a picasa account dont know if google ties one to my gmail, i think i may have placed it as a wall paper by mistake on the old phone, oh and i never had the creepy crawlies live wall paper on the old N1.

in the sync setting picasa seems to sync but i have no idea what it is syncing
maybe it really does back up your photo that you put as wallpaper


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2010
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it's probably just a case of whatever photo you have as wallpaper at the time of the last online backup, is what shows up.... nothing more, nothing less.... if the last backup was 3 weeks ago.... guess what? nude pic! :D


Original Member
Oct 24, 2008
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lol yea he was shocked. I dont have a picasa account dont know if google ties one to my gmail, i think i may have placed it as a wall paper by mistake on the old phone, oh and i never had the creepy crawlies live wall paper on the old N1.

in the sync setting picasa seems to sync but i have no idea what it is syncing
maybe it really does back up your photo that you put as wallpaper

Ah well if you had that set as your wallpaper at the time then I can see what happened. Just like the poster above me stated, if it was your wallpaper at the time of the backup, there is your explanation.