is my battery shot?


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2010
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I have the rezound extended battery. I have flashed many rooms, wiped bat stats. Used an app called battery calibration. But I can not get good battery life anymore. I take it down to below 10% then charge till full. But... it takes about 2-3 hrs to charge, about normal, but what I notice is that it gets up to about 53% charge. Then it goes to 100% full charge. I think my battery life is lost from that missing 50% jump. Any ideas or tricks? I have jump charged it a few times. Meaning 100% unplug use for a few min, shut off charge full, turn on unplug etc.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2012
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Could be your battery or it could be your charger or it could be your port on your phone

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2009
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I just had to replace the stock battery on one of my 2 T-bolts. I have early ones ~18 months old now. One still going strong, the bad one fully charged but just ran down in less than 2 hours using an app mix that used to run 5+ hours. New battery fixed it, tried a full reset first but that did nothing.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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I actually have this and other similar symptoms happen to me all the time with the Rezound battery in the TB. I don't think it's a problem with battery life being lost - I think it's an issue within the battery's circuitry, and/or how it talks to the TB.

ANY time I charge my phone (with the Rezound battery), the phone will start charging from whatever % I'm on (obviously). It will charge up to a certain point and then level off .. and then suddenly jump from whatever that level-off point is, up to 100%. Where that level-off point is depends totally on what % I start charging at. I might level off somewhere in the 80s if I start charging in the 40s, etc. I haven't mapped out the relationship between the numbers, but I can tell you that the number doesn't truly "charge" up to 100% until I start charging up in the 80s (or so).

Same kind of thing happens with a reboot. I can reboot my phone at around 40% power and end up, after it has totally rebooted and settled back down, with only 10% left. If I reboot again I man only lose a percent or two.

Opposite happens when I reboot while the phone is plugged in. I can actually GAIN charge (numerically) if I reboot with the phone plugged in. Actually how much depends on the circumstances.

Lastly, short recharge syndrome. I can go out all day and come back in the late afternoon and be in the 30s or so. I'll plug in for a half hour and maybe charge up to (a fake number for the sake of example) say 48%. If I then unplug I'll stay at that 48% for an extremely long - definitely unrealistically long - period of time, as if the phone wasn't using any battery at all.

I chalk all these up to life with a Rezound battery in a Thunderbot. ;-) I don't think these numbers are accurate at all except perhaps in some sort of context with each other. But I'm pretty certain they're not accurate representations of the percentage of capacity of the battery. But no matter what, I still get far more out of this battery than either a 1400 or a 1700 with the Thunderbolt.

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