Question Is there a way to make sleep sound programs turn off when my alarm goes off?

Catherine Prickett

New member
May 4, 2020
I'd really like to find a way for my sleep sounds app to turn itself off when my alarm rings.

I use a rain sounds app for sleeping, including for nap time. Currently I do not have a fixed schedule, so setting "Bedtime X-Y" or "Timer, X hours" isn't very practical for me. And unfortunately, I'm likely to go back to sleep if I keep hearing the rain sounds. (Part of this is attempting to fix my sleep schedule despite ADHD.)

I looked into a program called "If This Then That", but ran into an issue right away: it didn't seem to recognize my phone's on-board alarm clock app. (And I'd rather not have to dowload any more specialized programs than I absolutely must.)

Does anyone have any other suggestions or solutions?​


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2011
Welcome to Android Central forums. If this then that is an ok automation app as you figured out but it is somewhat basic although on the upside it is a free app if memory servers. Tasker is a better more feature rich app but it also costs and has a bit of a learning curve. There are a lot of places to find help with it though. AC has a Tasker forum as do most other Android forums. It also has Tasker-wiki where users dump free use profiles. I've even seen YouTube videos about it, so you wouldn't be alone for sure. They used to offer a 30 day trial if you went to their online site, but if you buy it buy from the Play Store. It will be easier to recover if you need to download it again later. Of course these are extra apps which might be a direction that is unavoidable to accomplish this task as expressed.

As for built in apps or work arounds, curious if @mustang7757 question about which device you have is because he believes something like a Bixby Routine could do this if you have a Samsung? I haven't looked into Bixby that deeply but it also has some how-to's out there if you do some web searches for them. Might start off vague to find a source of them and narrow your search once you've found a source.

I spent a minute looking at Google Assistant Routines but while it as an option to start a routine by dismissing an alarm it doesn't have one for dismissing an alarm on your phone. It talks about dismissing an alarm on an assistant enabled speaker. Not sure that would help.

As I've been typing this the thought occurred to me maybe you were looking If This Then That in a too specific way. What if you used the app to just turn down your media volume instead of trying to close the app. Turning down media volume wouldn't affect the performance of the device. You need system sounds, i.e. notifications, alarms, but at that point you're only using media volume for your sounds. There is probably a way to have it turn back up like when you open a different app or something. I don't know what all it can do but maybe look at it from the perspective of what you really want, which in this case is simply not to hear the sounds anymore, verses how you think that should happen, closing or pausing the app.

Let us know what you find.
Best wishes
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J Dubbs

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Jun 4, 2016
Vid you make the most descriptive help posts around... thanks again for the time and effort you put into them 😉

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