Issue With K4 Note coz of SD Card Configured as Internal Storage


New member
Feb 19, 2013
Hello Friends..

i own a Lenovo K4 Note 16 Gb.. due to short storage i Formatted my 64 Gb Stornium Card as Intrenal Storage few days ago. Fast Forward till today, My phone suddenly crashed today. it Restarts.. As it starts back, a notification displays saying "SD CARD MISSING - Reinsert this device" .. i removed the SD Card & reinsert it, but It taking quite long time to restart & after restarting it Says "Process System is Not Responding, Do you want to Close It" & not showing any Storage Capacity nor Internal neither External..

My Concerned issues are 2 here..
1. Full Recovery of Data from Encrypted SD Card(Adopted SD Card)..
2. Backup of WhatsApp, Contact, SMS, Backup, as while backing up thru already backup taking apps, it says "No Internal Storage Found" as it is considering SD Card the main Storage.

NOTE:= i m Recieving WhatsApp messages (Cant Download Media) , Can Create & Delate Contacts, but cant take backup.. So i thought that there shld be a way to get my precious BackUps & Data..

Please Guide. Awaiting for your kind Response..

Thanks Rajat
Welcome to Android Central! Uh-oh, I think that might be a significant problem.:( The card may have become corrupt or failed. Since you formatted it as Internal Storage, it's encrypted to be read only by your phone, so no other device or computer will be able to access it. This is one of the major downsides of Adoptable Storage.

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