Issues so far...


Jan 21, 2011
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I am a complete Android noob so I would appreciate any help with these issues:)

  • I downloaded Launcher Pro last Tuesday but for the past few mornings the quick launch shortcuts on the bottom of the homepage are missing and I have to set them again. I'm guessing this has something to do with another app cause this wasn't happening before. Previously, I had an issue with LP where every time I pressed the sleep button on and off the screen select would be showing instead of the homescreen. May have been because of the app called Mp3 download because as soon as I uninstalled it that stopped happening.
*Just noticed that after a couple of hours it goes back to original LP shortcuts. Reason I noticed this is because this morning I switched some shortcuts up.*

  • Starting today, I've been getting a 3 second delay after I press the sleep button until the lock screen shows up.

  • Gmail app doesnt push so I have to open and manually hit refresh then wait about 5-10 seconds before my new emails show up. I searched all the posts about this and tried what they suggested and still nothing. Some settings seem to be different on the Atrix then what was described in posts. My sync and notification box is checked. Similar problem with facebook. Just got a notification when I opened the app today that was posted 2 days ago.

  • The voice in Navigator is barely understandable. Note that I dl'ed eSpeak in order to use Google translate.

  • Overall seems kinda slow for all the hype. Lag, etc. I am using stock task killer but some apps start right back up including Pageonce(checked their settings and can't figure it out.

I haven't rooted it yet. Just have LauncherPro and some common apps.

I really like the phone and Android OS but some of these issues are very annoying. I'm coming from a jb 3gs if that helps.:p

*Also forgot to mention that everytime I unplug my phone from my PC or car charger the PC freezes up as well as the phone. Never had this issue before. Fairly new gaming PC.*
Last edited:


Jun 22, 2010
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Never never use a is absolutely not necessary....leave Android doing its is designed to take care of it.... taskkiller makes your phone unstable and drains your battery. Second Launcher pro is buggy. It was buggy on my Nexus One and it was buggy on my MyTouch4G. This is not an Atrix problem. Hopefully with a new update this will be fixed.


Feb 21, 2011
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In regards to your gmail issue, add the power control widget and make sure autosync is activated. Its the button with two arrows arranged in circle.