Just a thought...


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Mar 30, 2010
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I was reading the post in the new iphone, and was wondering...

Can the droid...Get facebook notifications while in a browser session, with new twitter messages still posting, while you switch to pandora to change stations, while another app is maintaining a persistent network connection to an IRC channel that hasn't been checked in a while with all the conversion that happened while you were in another app, as a video is still playing and did not pause?

Also is there a video of this?
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Mar 30, 2010
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Actually, I have only been able to find 1 video do this, and it was a palm, most of them PAUSE the app, and save its state, then when you come back to it it resumes.

I want to know if it keeps loading, or continues to get all the tweets and IRC messages even if you are in another app


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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I was reading the post in the new iphone, and was wondering...

Can the droid...Get facebook notifications while in a browser session, with new twitter messages still posting, while you switch to pandora to change stations, while another app is maintaining a persistent network connection to an IRC channel that hasn't been checked in a while with all the conversion that happened while you were in another app, as a video is still playing and did not pause?

Also is there a video of this?

Why would anyone need to do all of this at the same time?


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Oct 24, 2008
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Why would anyone need to do all of this at the same time?

Agreed. That's a recipe for someone's battery to fail. I understand wanting to receive/send data while on the phone, but wow, seems like he wants every app in the phone to be in motion.

Honestly, my Nexus One is so fast, needing to even do simultaneous data tasks isn't even possible.

For example... I typed nyt.com (New York Times) and the page was done before I could even get to another app to use data.


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Dec 27, 2009
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For example... I typed nyt.com (New York Times) and the page was done before I could even get to another app to use data.

This happens to me on my Droid quite often as well! This whole iPhone/Android/Droid/N1 debate is stupid and juvenile as far as I'm concerned. They ALL are pretty ridiculously amazing phones, and the only real thing that makes them different... user preference.

I prefer the Droid over the iPhone and the Nexus One. None of these phones actually does anything more or less better/worse then the others. At least nothing that makes any of them an "OMG I NEED TO HAVE THAT PHONE!!"

I think it's time we all got past this.

EDIT: ...........100th POST!!!!!!! WOOT!
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Oct 24, 2008
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This happens to me on my Droid quite often as well! This whole iPhone/Android/Droid/N1 debate is stupid and juvenile as far as I'm concerned. They ALL are pretty ridiculously amazing phones, and the only real thing that makes them different... user preference.

I prefer the Droid over the iPhone and the Nexus One. None of these phones actually does anything more or less better/worse then the others. At least nothing that makes any of them an "OMG I NEED TO HAVE THAT PHONE!!"

I think it's time we all got past this.

EDIT: ...........100th POST!!!!!!! WOOT!

Exactly. In fact, I couldn't make this statement any more true. I've never cared about anything, but what works for me. Right now, the Nexus One is working for me better than my 3Gs, Pre & BlackBerry devices. For others, it might be a Droid or even an old 2G iPhone.

I love that all these devices are coming out and I hope each new device trumps the other in specs and software. It only breeds competition which is better for us. I remember when Apple released the 2G and me being the tech dummy I am, I purchased it at $600. Now look at the prices? I think it was because everyone else started pricing their devices at $199.

Congrats on the 100th post.


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Dec 27, 2009
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I love that all these devices are coming out and I hope each new device trumps the other in specs and software. It only breeds competition which is better for us.

Exactly! I love the fact that the iPhone OS4 has some of the features it has. I love the fact that there are new and better phones coming out all the time. I don't get jealous of other devices, which I think is silly. Once my contract is up with Verizon, I will most likely purchase the best available phone at the time that works for my needs. I don't care about the iPhone because I already have an awesome phone. Not because I think it is inferior somehow.

Congrats on the 100th post.



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Mar 30, 2010
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Why would anyone need to do all of this at the same time?

Its called multitasking, just because there may not be a NEED to, I would still like to see the droid do it.

There is a video of the pre doing it, so I thought there would be a video of the droid doing it. They talk about it :(

So, why would anyone need to, well I would, I like to have twitter going, as well as IRC, with music while I get my facebook notifications, and chat with people on FB.

Sometimes I like to go to a web page let it load while I am on another app.
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Oct 24, 2008
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I have a Pre laying around here and I stopped using it for a couple reasons. The main one being the battery.

On heavy usage, my iPhone, Nexus One & all my BlackBerry devices can go a whole work day (my BlackBerry 9700 between 2-3 days). My Pre? Not even close. If I can't get a whole day, it's useless to me.


Actually, I have only been able to find 1 video do this, and it was a palm, most of them PAUSE the app, and save its state, then when you come back to it it resumes.

I want to know if it keeps loading, or continues to get all the tweets and IRC messages even if you are in another app

You're thinking of the new apple mobile os 4.0 that pauses its apps.

Android does not.




Well-known member
Dec 30, 2009
The droid multitasks very well. Most apps get "paused" when not being used, but there are exceptions to this. A web page will load in the background as long as it's begun loading. (if you hit home directly after clicking a link, it will not load the page), I've recieved all kinds of notificatins while listening to pandora, or rhapsody( mms, facebook, emails, etc. The only hitch is when you are on the phone you will not get emails, web notifications, etc because voice calls cancel out 3G. You can however send and recieve texts while on the phone.( I just found this out the other day)

You're thinking of the new apple mobile os 4.0 that pauses its apps.

Android does not.



Android does technically "pause" a background program unless it's coded specifically to run in the background, ie. music players, navigation, etc. For all other programs, android just saves it's current state so when you return, you can pick up where you left off. This is how android keeps free memory for running programs, and why task killers are unnessesary.
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Nov 9, 2009
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I came from an iPhone and Att.

The problem I have was that on 1G on Att if you were using data, you could not get phone calls. With that even though I can not do both on Verizons network at least the phone call will interrupt the data.


The droid multitasks very well. Most apps get "paused" when not being used, but there are exceptions to this. A web page will load in the background as long as it's begun loading. (if you hit home directly after clicking a link, it will not load the page), I've recieved all kinds of notificatins while listening to pandora, or rhapsody( mms, facebook, emails, etc. The only hitch is when you are on the phone you will not get emails, web notifications, etc because voice calls cancel out 3G. You can however send and recieve texts while on the phone.( I just found this out the other day)

Android does technically "pause" a background program unless it's coded specifically to run in the background, ie. music players, navigation, etc. For all other programs, android just saves it's current state so when you return, you can pick up where you left off. This is how android keeps free memory for running programs, and why task killers are unnessesary.

Actually, if you enable WIFI while in a call, you can do anything you normally could do in a call (minus MMS for some odd reason, it wants to use the 3G only).

And many of the programs are coded to run in the background.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2010
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AAh, thats :(

I was hoping it did multitasking all the time, I do alot of it.
As mentioned in the post you quoted -- it depends on the app. Apps coded to run in the background will. Given your example in the OP, I'd guess that only the video might not play in the background but I certainly haven't tested (don't see a need to). Do you have a Droid? If so, why not try it out yourself?