Keyboard operation - odd behavior


Oct 29, 2014
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I've seen this happen often enough on the Google Keyboard, that I installed Swiftkey. But, once the behavior starts to happen, it happens on both versions.

Normally, it behaves this way:
Example - I start typing the word "keybrd" and leave the cursor at the end of the word. The new word "keyboard" pops up as a suggested spelling. I tap on the suggested spelling and I end up with "keyboard" replacing the incorrect word.

Sometimes, and I haven't figured out how, the keyboard seems to get stuck into an "Insert" mode instead of an "Overwrite" mode. When this happens, I'll get double-words. For example: I start typing the word "keybrd" and leave the cursor at the end of the word (same as above). The new word "keyboard" pops up as a suggested spelling. I tap on the suggested spelling and I end up with "keybrdkeyboard". Once this starts happening, I have not been able to figure out how to clear it other than to reboot.

Also, I have seen situations where the keyboard gets into a mode where I can't select an area of text. Normally, I can long-press on the text and a word will be highlighted with pointers at the beginning and end. I can then slide the pointers around to select an area of text. Sometimes, the keyboard will get into a mode where I can highlight a word, but can not get the pointers to select. Again, the only way I've found to clear that behavior is to reboot.

This happens with both keyboard apps I have, and when it starts on one app, the behavior occurs on the other one as well.

Any ideas?