Lg Aristo MS210 data connectivity issue solution


Aug 16, 2014

This is my first solution post. I usually lurk or post questions

Im no professional and i dont know allthe tech info and details as to exactly how these work and why but for my location and individual issue these worked

This post is an explanation of how i resolved my issue of my network data connection issues. And it seems i also improved overall device functionality as well in the process.

By changing a couple things in the preloaded apn configuration. And changing a couple settings in the Hidden settings menu. (Accessed via the dialpad)

On my MetroPCS LG Aristo ms210
Running 7.0 all apps n systems up to date
No root
Network mode is set to gsm wcdma lte auto

So ive had an issue with my device maintaining an active data connection for a long time now many months. Apps would just hang, chrome browser would give me time out errors playstore download errors. Phone lagged horribly. Etc.

So i started googling. How to fix. And almost every result i came across said to change the. Apn. Which i tried and didnt help.

So tuesday night i decided to try searching again. And after sifting through the same answrrs. Etc etc.

I stumbled across. One that actually worked.

And all i had to dowas change the APN protocol and the APN ROAMING settings in the preconfigured APN.

NOW theres 2 ways to do this

1 is to copy down the EXACT settings for the factory configured MetroPCS APN. Then delete that one
and just click add new APN and then just reenter the same information Bback exactly how it was..
EXCEPT when you get to the
APN Protocol
APN Roaming

In the PROTOCOL field select either IPV4 or what i did wss selected IPV4/IPV6
NOW in the ROAMING field Select "IPV6
Then be sure n go up and click "save"
Then restart device

Method 2: unlocking and editing the preset APN.
So before we can edit the APN. We need to enable the apn editing feature in the hidden menu
And while were there ill explain the other two settings i changed as well.

So to access the hidden menu from the dialer

On the dialpad screen
Type in: 277634#*#

Upon typing the llast pound symbol the phone will open the hidden men
Open. APNunlock
And click unlockapn
After you have selected unlockapn
Go back to main hidden menu.
Then restart phone

After restart is complete
To make sure the change stuck
Go into your phones regular settings menu and
Under "wireless network"
Goto "more"
Then to "mobile network"
Then to "APN" settings

So now you should see the factory set APN
metropcs etc

Click on it to open it.

Now if the unlock was enabled
You can now edit the apn.

Go down to
Apn protocol: (default should be set to Ipv6)
Select that field and change it to IPV4/IPV6

Then goto APN Roamimg. (Default should be IPV4)
Change that one to IPV6


then exit and reboot phone.

This should hopefully start to resolve or maybe completely fix yer issue.

I did the next two changes pretty much at the same time as the first one.

The next steps are that we are going to go back in to hidden menu and change 2 things

Once phone is rebooted

Go back into hidden menu

**Disclaimer** If you are not on an unlimited data plan with metropcs/tmobile then you may not want to enable this setting
as i read a couple different posts in which the user enabled "fd" and it exhausted their data for the entire month in one night.
Also. Depending on how and what you use your device having "fd" enabled may or may not be beneficial you. Do a bit of yer own research on this. For me personally its great.
Another note - Your carrier has to have Fast Dormancy activated on their network for it to work in your device.
I know that Tmobile metropcs have the feature on their network.

With that said

Look for "Fast Dormancy" and open it.

Then just click on "Enable Fast Dormancy"
Then back to menu.
Restart phone.

the last thing i changed in the hidden menu

Was the feature titled "receive diversity"
All i did was opened it and then i went over and clicked on PRX/DRX
Just in case its needed the Default setting is PRX only

*After clicking on that the phone will inform you its going to restart to enable changes.

And thats it.

I hope this helps. Someone else.

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