Lg g2 Lollipop


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Apr 13, 2015
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I did the switch to LTE/CDMA and got some better battery life, but it is still pretty bad - the worst thing is that I don't trust my phone to have any sort of battery if I'm out and not near a charger - why have a phone then?

What I have noticed is that I have periods where I know I am running a bunch of things and that the battery is dropping pretty fast. On my ride to work I run Waze, Audible and may make a call or 2. When I get to the office I shut those apps down, turnoff data, location and bluetooth and just have wifi running. The battery app I have showing usage shows that the rate of battery drain barely changes. It seems that once my battery starts draining quickly it just continues until the phone runs out of juice and I have to recharge it. I try to run full cycles - fully charged run to fully discharged - but this is maddeninig. I wish I could figure out what things really cause the rapid draining - there are times when it seems as if it is draining very slowly, but have have not been able to correlate those to specific apps or services amd frankly, this thing should pretty much work they way it did earlier - I shouldn't be forced to jump through hoops to get battery life because I took a half-baked upgrade from which I cannot go back.
It's like I wrote this myself.

Helen Moore

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May 11, 2015
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I too am having the same exact problems,it's so frustrating. There wasn't anything wrong with my phone at all. I don't know what to do now.Did you find a solution to fix this,can i get rid of the lollipop update ? Why do they have to go and mess with something that's not broken. Just here looking for answers,i can't even use my phone. Thanks


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Dec 21, 2013
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Apparently changing from global to LTE/CDMA does not stick. My phone keeps reverting back to Global.

Battery life has been horrible for me on Lollipop too. I used to get better than two days at home, but now I get right at about 18 hours.

Battery life at work is atrocious!! I now carry a battery bank around with me because I have to charge at least twice a day. I start my day at 6am and by noon I am at 30% and have to plug into the battery bank. By 4pm, I am almost dead again and have to plug in for the drive home. Absolutely ridiculous

Screen is on 30%, WiFi and Location services are turned off and GSAM does not identify any particular app. Phone gets HOT and has locked up several times in the last couple weeks. I have done several FDR's and it only fixes things for a day or so.

Verizon is no help.... they blame it on spyware/adware... maybe the crap that they loaded on my phone but nothing I have put on it. Very few apps in use and all are well known apps from the PlayStore.



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Sep 2, 2013
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So, I was finally forced to "upgrade", so thought I'd report in.

After deferring the update every day for a few weeks, I got the first part of the upgrade (the upgrade to KitKat) inadvertently a couple of weeks ago (long story not worth bothering with). Fortunately, at that time, the phone gave me the option of deferring the Lillipop update, which I did. The phone did not prompt me for this further update unless I power cycled the phone, but it continued to offer the deferral option. I noticed no real differences in my phone, so simply chose not to take the next step, knowing from past experience that Verizon/the software would likely force the issue at some future time. Sure enough, on my way to work one day last week, it self-initiated. But, it hung up at 62%; stayed that way for several hours. I closed down the update and thought/hoped-against-hope I might be in the clear. However, by the end of the day I realized that, while I had gotten none of the obvious Lollipop features, I had been cursed with the battery issues: it dropped from 85% to 7% in about 4.5 hours while I was at my office, and charging was excruciatingly slow; charging in my car while using Waze on my commute home was laughable (about 5% in 1.5 hours, whereas it would normally have been fully charged in about half that time.)

So, that night I decided to bite the bullet. I went back to all the postings I'd read and decided to make it the cleanest install possible. I backed up all data manually (never had much luck with the auto-back-ups and auto-restores) then did a FDR before the install. I then downloaded and installed the Lollipop update. I did this OTA with WiFi on because I was having trouble getting the interface to work properly when connected to my computer. It went smoothly. I then did a second FDR (at the recommendation of several people). At that point I was down to about 40% charge, so decided to do just the basic set-up and go to bed to let it fully charge.

In the morning, it was up to 100% (after sitting on my TyltVu wireless charger for about 5 hours), and I continued my set-up, reinstalling some basic data: ringtones, some pics, a little music; and I continued setting up my email and other basic functions and apps. Initially, I only downloaded necessary apps to see how the phone would handle it, and it did just fine, so I downloaded the remainder - manually - over the next couple of days.

I have had relatively few issues with the upgrade, much to my surprise and relief. I had some issues with the LED notifications at first, but re-installed Lite Flow Lite (which I've used for years) and that solved it for me. Also had some GPS issues when I first opened Waze, but a power cycle seemed to take care of this, and I don't find that I'm having any greater GPS difficulty on Lollipop than I did on KitKat (for me, GPS issues have been one of the few bugaboos about the G2 from the beginning). For the most part, most - but not all - functions and apps seem to be working mostly properly.

That is not to say, mind you, that I'm happy at all about the "upgrade" or that everything is working. First off, while it does seem that my battery/charging issues are less severe than most, there are still issues. I'm guessing that my battery is discharging about 15-20% faster than it did before the update, and charging about 20-25% slower via wireless (haven't really checked wired charging yet); it's charging closer to 30-35% slower on car charger. But, it's nothing like the experience the day before I finally broke down and did the full install, and it seems much better than others are reporting. Still not happy, but feel fortunate that it's not worse.

I have a few pet peeves about Lollipop, and the biggest is that I cannot seem to find any way to get a weather widget on the Lockscreen. I found a way to have my weather app constantly run a notification, which appears on the Lockscreen; but I really liked my old combination weather and clock widget. Also miss being able to swipe to other widgets from the lock screen; especially my flashlight widget; can't seem to find a way to make this work, either. Also, the replacement for Quiet Time with the "priority/Interruption" thing is a train wreck; not intuitive at all. But, once I figured it out it seems to be functioning properly ... I think. The one thing that is absolutely broken for me is Daydream (which I have historically paired with Quiet Time in using my phone as a bed-side alarm clock); it's not working at all. I've tried setting it up to run when docked, when charging and either (as I used to), and it did not work at all.

On perhaps a less "substantive" level, I have to say that I absolutely HATE the look of Lillipop; not only the iOS-looking "theme", but how much of my notification shade is now taken up with crap. And I think it was particularly foolish to change the home icon to a circle from the little house-shaped pentagon (how intuitive is that?), but I guess I can get used to that. The only thing that is better, in my opinion, is that the touch buttons are more customizable.

So, anyway, that's my experience. I don't know if it will help anyone else, but if anyone is reading this and thinking of installing Lollipop, I recommend doing a FDR before and after. I don't know if this was the "magic bullet" for me or not, but others have also reported that it seemed to help.

Best of luck, everyone.

Robert Kraig

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May 13, 2015
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Don't be in a rush to get the lollipop update. I got it about a week ago for my G2 from verizon. Battery now lasts 5 or 6 hours and takes 10+ hours to charge. That's after a factory reset. Phone also freezes every other day and has to be shutdown . The software "upgrade" basically turned a great phone into a piece of junk. Called verizon and they blamed LG, called LG and they blamed Google. They also both admitted a lot of people are having the same issues. I wish I never got this software update. Probably going to have to buy a new phone as a result since I cant charge this one for 10 + hours to get just 5 or 6 hours of very light usage out of it. I used to go 36 hours on a charge which took about 2 hours.

you need to buy a new charger, I had that issue, your charger is dying.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2013
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do not take lollipop update . unless you want to experience loss of 50 percent battery loss and random freezing. Im rooting and getting out of this hell hole