LG G5 front and wide angle camera focus


New member
Apr 16, 2017
Hi guys, I want to know if the front and wide angle camera of the LG G5 has any focus? Does it even have touch focus? Or is my phone's cameras broken? On the front one when I touch the screen it doesn't focus, it looks like it's locked in focus. Same for the wide angle lens - no autofocus or even touch focus - if I bring it close to a book it is blurred. So is it supposed to have locked focus to infinity? Or is my camera broken? I tried looking online everywhere but I couldn't find anything. H850, unlocked, unrooted, Nougat. Thanks guys.
The wide angle camera on the back does have a touch to focus feature. From what I can tell, the front facing camera does not.
I have a question about the front camera... when I want to take a selfie... I see a thick blurry white band around a square of my face... is that normal? I took a screenshot... but can't post it here...
Jan, you have the POPOUT feature turned on. Click MODE then click AUTO - should be green for enabled. You will probably notice that the POPOUT mode was green before you tapped AUTO.
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I came looking for a solution for the grainy quality of my wide angle pics. Saw your post. Haven't come up with a fix yet but if I do I'll post it. The focus feature only seems to work on the single camera shots. You should see the green triangles when you are on single camera, not wide angle. The triangles won't appear for me on wide angle. Front camera definitely does not have the triangle focus feature on my LG G5.

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