LG L70- D325 - IMEI 2 is null


Jan 8, 2017
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Hello and good day.

I am with a LG L70 D325 dual sim phone. I've been using this phone for some time and recently began to show the pink screen some times when restarting.

To solve this, yesterday I flashed the official firmware ( Was taken using my IMEI from "http://csmg.lgmobile.com:9002/....") using LGFlashtool2014 and the pink screen issue has gone now.

But now there are bigger problems :-( :-(


Once I do a restart, the phone just show "red crosses" on both telephone signal indicating areas(Top right corner of display) and at this time I cannot make/receive calls or SMS. I have to do the following procedure to get rid of that red crosses and get network connected.

turn "airplane mode" on -> Turn phone OFF -> turn phone ON -> disable "airplane mode".

***has to do this each and every time if I forgot to turn on airplane mode.


Only SIM - 1 is working(can send/receive calls and SMS) after the above mentioned "airplane mode trick". But the sim card in the "sim -2 slot" is not working and shows "service disabled". When *#06# dialed, IMEI-1 is showing the correct 15 digit number, IMEI -2 is shown as just 0.

---> I have both IMEI numbers in the sticker on the box the phone came in. So, if there is a way to edit this "0" IMEI, I can do it without using any illegal IMEI calculators.
---> Both SIM cards are working and can send/receive calls and sms when they are in ANOTHER phone. So, I am pretty sure both sim cards are working fine.

For the moment, I do not have any backups of modemst1, modemst2 or any .QCN file of my phone

Your HELP/suggesions are most welcome.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
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Android Developer
Feb 8, 2011
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Not sure why I was PM'ed in regards to this, I hope you aren't going around PMing anyone and everyone to comment as that will not go over well.

As to the problem...
My first place to go looking would be the APNS settings, some of the symptoms match what happens when the wrong APNS settings are used. Also a good reset after reinstalling is a good practice, it may be retaining some settings from before and getting confused (despite how it seems, it has not be returned to out of the box settings!). Or you may have damaged a card somehow, when was the last time you know that card worked? You said you think it works, but it sounds like it's dead to me.

At any rate, those are if you are lucky.
There is a chance that when you reflashed the firmware back to stock it reverted a modem's firmware, it's not an issue on some phones but on others that equals soft brick or complete death. LG in my experience isn't so bad about it, but you absolutely do not revert Samsung unless you like paperweights that look like a cell phone.

Also you shouldn't go digging around playing with internal firmware settings unless you absolutely know what's wrong (and why/how) or you have a legitimate reason to as you can royally screw up your phone or get you banned from a network, not to mention that altering some settings (like IMEI!!) breaks federal and/or state laws. While technically legal, even discussing how is often enough to get someone banned on a forum as most want nothing to do with any of it much less the risks involved. As you did nothing to those parts of the phone it stands to reason it's not something those programs will fix anyhow, and having messed with that stuff in the past, I would recommend just buying a new phone or have an expert look at it if that is how corrupted the phone is (few cell phone stares know how to do this anymore either). Why? Because if it is that corrupted, odds are it will happen again, but even if it doesn't, those settings are a hornets nest of bad things you can mess up, especially if you don't know what the settings were supposed to be to begin with. Yes, you have the IMEI, but do you have the other settings that go with it? There is much more in the firmware than just that and it only takes one being off to mess up your phone.


Jan 8, 2017
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Thank you very much "LeslieAnn" for the reply and I PMed you because I saw your good explanations to other people's problems specially regarding with LG phones. And NO. I didn't PMed anyone else. But replied to some threads started by some users with the experience I had with me.

Both of the cards are working. Now they are in another phone and I can do communication with both of the cards. And any card I puts into the SIM -2 slot fails to work.The same card works fine when it is in the SIM - 1 slot. So, that should not be a problem with the card itself.

I did a "CSE flash" which was intended to clear everything while flashing and also I did a factory reset after flashing.

Since I did not had any modemst1 , modemst2 backups or any .QCN backups at first, I thought someone would help me(Not to donate those.But to fix this- I have relevant files with me now).

QPST won't let me write some NV items. They are write protected. Instructions on removing the write protection could be a help.

Will see about the ways to fix this. So that one day I could help someone by the experience.

Thanks again LeslieAnn
Have a nice day
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Android Developer
Feb 8, 2011
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Both of the cards are working. Now they are in another phone and I can do communication with both of the cards. And any card I puts into the SIM -2 slot fails to work.The same card works fine when it is in the SIM - 1 slot. So, that should not be a problem with the card itself.

QPST won't let me write some NV items. They are write protected. Instructions on removing the write protection could be a help.
You're welcome.
QPST is precisely one of the programs I was referring to when I said do not mess with them. Not only is it tricky and fickle, but there is a specific version required for LG phones and odds are it will not solve your problem anyway.

As for your phone, I think you may have solved it, sounds like the second slot is dead.


Jan 8, 2017
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sounds like the second slot is dead.

Well. I hope it's not. It's due to the crashed 2nd IMEI(null) I guess. I am following some old guides and I am using the exact version they're using. I've seen even some videos at youtube people are tinkering easily with QPST along with the same phone I am using. I wonder why I cannot do that. For me, it always says "write protected item". But for them, it works fine :-(

Can this get done in LGNPST lab ? I just wanna save the .QCN file to the phone.


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Feb 8, 2011
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Usually when you cannot read, you cannot write either.

Did any of the tutorials you saw apply directly to your phone? Did they mention specific software needed? Many of the videos you see are edited to remove certain aspects as many are simply fronts to get you to buy their services or are outright fakes (they don't show every step in hopes you get frustrated and hire them to do it or are just trying to f@ck with people) or they are just trying to figure it out themselves or earn internet points. There is a lot of false info out there as well as people taking advantage of people trying to just fix their phone. If you don't know who they are or they are not giving specifics, I wouldn't trust them.

As for why you cannot write to it, did you perform the unlock procedure? Did they even bother mentioning that?
I can't say if that program will do it or not, the tutorials should tell you what software you need.

In the meantime, start saving for a new phone and consider it a "hack tax", it's the price you pay to play.


Jan 8, 2017
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As for why you cannot write to it, did you perform the unlock procedure?

Nope and no one is expressing the correct procedure. Some are showing the method step by step.But those methods are not working for me. And that's where I am stuck.

Seems like I do need to figure it out by my own.

Damn.. I just wanna write those 2 megabytes into my phones eMMC.. God, why don't you let me do that ???

In the meantime, start saving for a new phone and consider it a "hack tax", it's the price you pay to play.

As of now, I have this iPhone 5c. It may cost more than my L70, and sure it shines more. But lack many features that I had with my beloved L70. Specially the dual sim feature..

By the way, thank you very much for your precious time spent upon my "stupid" problem. I'll gather around and see what I can do with this. Here in Sri Lanka, we usually do not have that kind of luxury customer care as you guys from US or UK getting. We cannot just dump our phones once it got a single dead pixel or if it had a teeny tiny scratch mark on the bezel. Spending a 400-500 USD is much more like spending a whole monthly salary even for a person having a *good job.

Anyway, I'll look into this. Will post the results if I could get the job done.

Anyway, Have a nice day to everyone..
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Android Developer
Feb 8, 2011
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I wasn't telling you to start saving for a new phone because I'm spoiled, I was giving you a reality check regarding your problem.

As for unlocking QPST (or LGNPST, the LG variant), my point in not telling you how was to illustrate you how bad the tutorials you're using are. I believe on GSM the phone simply (HA!) needs to be carrier unlocked to allow for writing, but I could be wrong on that. Bad tutorials = bricked phones, but if you want to go there, there's where you start.

Not everyone here is as spoiled as you seem to think, in fact most in the US can only afford a new Iphone or Galaxy because of a 2 year payment plan, they would not and could not pay for a new one outright if they had to which is why so many phones here have broken screens, they are just riding out the payments so they can do it again. As for me, I only recently bought a used Galaxy S5, so no, I don't replace them at the first scratch or pixel.


Jan 8, 2017
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I wasn't telling you to start saving for a new phone because I'm spoiled

Nope.. I wasn't pointing at you to be spoiled. Please forgive me if you even felt so. I just clarified the things up for you and for other people who might watch this thread later on. This lil iPhone 5c was a gift for me. I din't bought it.

You know why people tend to do their own work in places like this ?? Bcz there is no proper customer care and only "Road Side" technicians does the job. I have few examples if you wanna hear more about what and how those "RoadSide techs" doing the job.

But, there is this GOOD thing here. None(or near to none) of the handsets are carrier locked. The customer is free from that fact and service providers too sell phones. But those are not LOCKED either to any network. Only very few ( I think it's about 0.000000000001% or even smaller) are locked.

The locked thing I meant in my phone was NOT "Carrier Lock"(I think you got me right at the first place.This is just a clarification). I bought this phone at retail and it was a retail unit without any service provider lock / customization and was straight from LG. I was able to use any sim card from any carrier in Sri Lanka right out of the box.

The lock was about the write protection on that particular NV field. Some parts of that very NV file can be written but that IMEI part (550) cannot. I just wanna remove this "write protection" and be able to write my IMEI in to that.

The thing is I see people edit that field very often in those tuts but I cannot. I mean I am not alone, some could get passed while some couldn't. The only solution they give is re-install correct drivers. I've done re installing drivers but still the same result. Some parts of NV can be written while the most wanted part as for now, cannot be written. At least for me, it cannot.
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