LGV20 #2


Active member
Mar 25, 2015
Hey all, I type this from my second V20. I had the 14 day return/exchange policy from Verizon.

Why, well the first one had a blue pixel change in part of the screen which was only visible,on a white background. Also. I found out. I may have had a bad Sim card possibly. I will figure that out in the next day or so.

I have never had a bad sim card. So I didn't know. I explained I was dropping calls in spots I never dropped calls in spots I never dropped calls in before. I also had to swap my network settings from global to LTE/cdma to get on google maps while on phone.

While browsing these forums I found that fix. Apparently no need to swap. Should just work.

So between the new phones its amazing the differences. This phone seems to heat up a little more, but I just did a ton updates. And I just watched my battery die 5% at this typing.

I will keep you all up to date as to how this goes. If now I start having battery issues. I will pull the plug and go back to a Galaxy.

Just wanted to give an update on how my experience has gone so far. I really hope these goofy things fix themselves by the weekend.
Well well, I found one piece of bloatware I do not remember seeing on the other phone. DT Ignite. Disabled!!! Check your phone for this. Apparently carrier bloatware. Let see how this goes.
Well well, I found one piece of bloatware I do not remember seeing on the other phone. DT Ignite. Disabled!!! Check your phone for this. Apparently carrier bloatware. Let see how this goes.

Yeah Verizon loves to put that on their phones.
Well the new phone appears to be working better. Only 1 dropped call today in an unusual spot. So fingers crossed. The battery life and heating issue seem to have subsided also. I have to do that upgrade tonight when I get home. I hope that doesn't mess with it.