List new things you noticed after update


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
1.New Gmail icon in notification
2. Camera view has an icon in upper left corner to switch from front to rear facing camera
3.New Application menu with (All apps,Downloaded, Verizon apps)
4.Quick settings in the notification menu (WiFi,Mobile Hotspot,Mobile Network, Bluetooth,GPS, All Settings)
5.All apps scrolling is in sections

List more when you notice them
There's a new screen when you dock the phone with the multimedia dock.

Are you talking about the dock that when you dock your phone it turns into an Alarm clock? (which I have) or is there some gadget/accessory I don't have but need to get?....LOLOL

I have noticed that it is a little faster than the previous OS. Also, I had to reboot my phone in order to add app/widgets to my home screen.

I have noticed that they have cleaned up some screens....instead of all the options displayed all on the same page, they are under sub-headings. Might get a little to get used to that, but I like the cleaner look!
New for me...

No 4g, I had it before the update but can't get it back. I've toggled Networks. Used the phone info program to set it to LTE but all I get is a 1x.
Ironically it was on 4g and being used as a hotspot just before I updated.
"Manage Applications" is a little more graphic-y and appears to give more detail about running applications (CPU used, number of processes and services running). I also don't remember free/used memory being quite so obviously displayed.

I'm thinking the move from phone to SD is a little easier now, but I never did that before since I have over 2GB of application memory free even after loading LOTS of stuff, so I don't know the UI all that well.

GPS lock appears to be a lot more "continuous". When running apps that wanted GPS lock frequently (Sensorly, for example), the GPS used to blink between red (no signal) and blue (signal good). After Gingerbread, the signal seems to spend a lot more time in "blue". I'll test that with Google Nav on the drive home - it occasionally got "stuttery" under Froyo and my location would update in jumps rather than a continuous flow of locations. It seemed smoother when I tested it but I was walking so I might not have been able to see the difference. It never really interfered with anything I needed to do - GPS updates were available every few seconds - but it was mildly annoying.

Google Talk has voice and video capabilities now. This is great, despite the fact that it insists on using the REAR-facing camera - at least I can use it to voice-chat with people on GT and not use my phone minutes, and my wife reported that (over a moderate 3G connection) the camera image quality was quite excellent if a little "jumpy". So if I'm in a pretty spot I can at least give my videochat partner something prettier than my ugly mug to stare at, and it might be useful for diagnosing problems (where I want to send the image of the thing I'm looking at rather than me). Still sucks that they couldn't get it right, but at least it's better than Froyo (there's SOMETHING there, it's just not perfect yet).

More widgets appear to be available in the HTC widgets section. Not that I ever use any of them since I'm on Go Launcher, but hey, it's an addition.
How did you set up the Video chat in Google talk, i can't seem to find the selection for it.
Looking at the battery usage chart, there appears to be a new graph that shows the last few hours of charge in graph form, with a clickable link that pulls up more detail and shows you during what times of that usage the phone had signal, WiFi was on, phone was awake, screen was on, and phone was charging. I think the graph is new, right? It's nice.
How did you set up the Video chat in Google talk, i can't seem to find the selection for it.

Start up Google Talk and click on yourself. Right under the place where you enter your status/catchphrase, there's a tickybox that says "Allow video and voice chats". Ticky the tickybox.

(edit: meant to be said in a Magnum PI voice: "I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'why in the name of all that is sane and holy isn't this setting in, well, SETTINGS?' Well, you have a good point.")

Then when you start a text-chat with someone, you'll have an icon in the upper-right if their hardware supports Voice (little microphone) or Video (little camera) chats. Click on the icon to start the Video/Voice chat. There's also a menu option for starting a voice chat only if the person can do video or voice.
New for me...

No 4g, I had it before the update but can't get it back. I've toggled Networks. Used the phone info program to set it to LTE but all I get is a 1x.
Ironically it was on 4g and being used as a hotspot just before I updated.

Turn off phone. Unplug power. Remove battery. Slide SIM card out (no need to remove it all the way just slide it out). Leave phone alone for at least 2 minutes. Put it all back together and it will now force a readdress between the SIM and the LTE source.

I had the same issue when we got the MR2 update and tried toggling network on/off with no luck until Mortiel suggested this to me. Worked like a charm.
When you attach a picture to a text message it shows up as a picture in a text and NOT as a slide show. Did I see someone say that SKYPE actually works correctly now with video and everything?
Turn off phone. Unplug power. Remove battery. Slide SIM card out (no need to remove it all the way just slide it out). Leave phone alone for at least 2 minutes. Put it all back together and it will now force a readdress between the SIM and the LTE source.

I had the same issue when we got the MR2 update and tried toggling network on/off with no luck until Mortiel suggested this to me. Worked like a charm.

This did not work, but thanks anyway. :-)
The text on the phone seems to be easier to read. Keyboard doesn't lag. Phone is faster. I can go on

Sent from my Thunderbolt using tapatalk
Date in time displayed on phone app now.

Proximity sensor seems to work better now on phone calls for me.

Battery life is TREMENDOUS now, so far.

Better data connection it appears.

GPS locks quicker.
Also the pattern lock is spaced out further apart, easier to use.

When you get a phone call the bar to drag it down to answer/hang up is different.
How is everyone's 4g data speeds with gingerbread now compared to froyos speed. Also has anyone had any reboots with stock gingerbread?

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