Mine's dead after 9 months


Active member
Dec 31, 2015
Purchased Dec 2015. Things started going south about a week ago. I started getting random shut downs with battery showing 75 to 80 percent. Usually after a notification. I was able to then power it back on and function normal. It started happening more frequently so I tried an unpair and reset. After the reset, it makes it as far as the Google animation then shuts down. Long press reboot doesn't work. And it will only do this partial reboot while on the charger. Off the charger it is completely unresponsive. Sometimes, again while on charger, will do a partial boot loop. Makes it as far as the animation then restarts automatically. I surmise it's battery related.

Back to the store.
Not sure what device you have. If the battery is removable, battery world should have replacement. Maybe try gently cleaning the contacts on battery and where it connects...
If it's not user removable, take it back to shop. Once batteries get unreliable, I toss them...
Well....they replaced it no questions asked. They gave me the new gunmetal version. Looks very nice.
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