MIUI 1.9.16 on SD Card?


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Apr 16, 2011
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I have searched diligently and have yet to find specific instruction for creating a bootable SD card for my NC with MIUI Nook Color 1.9.16 (or any version of MIUI for that matter).

I am currently running a fully rooted version of 1.3 on the emmc and "all is well" and I need it left that way so as to continue having access to "in store reading" which I use quite a bit.

Have previously had CM7 and Phiremod running both internally and on an SD card at various times and tried to do a previous version of MIUI on the card using the same process without any luck.

Thanks in advance.


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Apr 16, 2011
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Also had to rename the MIUI file.

Loaded and running from SD card.

It installed/is using the new Market interface (3.1.3?).

Where are/is "My Apps" as I do not seem to be able to find it.

D/L Netflix and it runs just as it should but the soundlevel at max is quite a bit lower than on rooted 1.3.

Free Koi living wallpaper looks beautiful.