Moment switching between EV 1X constantly


Active member
Nov 22, 2009
I am having the worst problem with my moment. I live in a very rich EVDO area and I've never seen 1X until I got this phone. I am running on PRL 60659and I am constantly by the minute switching between 1X and EV. Right now I'm stuck on 1X. My friend also has Sprint and has full service EV right where I'm at.

Not only the service going in and out but my text messages aren't being sent. At least 5/10 get stuck and want to retry.

Anyone else having this issue? It's been happening ever since Sprint released that latest update.

someone else at had the same problem. It sounds like a new handset solved his problem.
I am in the same boat as you. My moment was fine in my house and running full bars in ev. Now I keep getting 1x and it started after I got the new update on my phone. Love the rest of this update though.
yeah I called Sprint, got escalated to Tier 3 Tech support.. Apparently moment users are having a LOT of this problem. They've created a ticket, and we'll see what happens.. But it SUCKS! So much for speed. lol
yeah I called Sprint, got escalated to Tier 3 Tech support.. Apparently moment users are having a LOT of this problem. They've created a ticket, and we'll see what happens.. But it SUCKS! So much for speed. lol

let me know whats going on because mine is doing the same also...
the tech from Sprint called and determined the network was fine and my phone was the problem. They overnighted a new one to me and I'll get it today.. Hopefully this fixes the problem, but Sprint is advising that the latest CL14 update is frying 1/10 phones. They're not going to pull it because the risk isin't that high, but 1/10. I guess I was the unlucky one.

If you're having this problem where you're stuck in 1X in an EV area and your txts aren't going thru then call Sprint and ask for the Sprint Phone Replacement program. I should have done that the first time then trying to have them determine the problem from that side.

Hope that helps to anyone else experincing this problem!
Got my replacement Moment! It's running great so far, BUT it does NOT have the CL14 update. SHOULD i update it to CL14 based on the previous problems I've been having with the constant switch between 1X and EV and the txt messages not going thru? Maybe I had a bad radio on my defective moment, who knows?
I also suffer from this issue. I have also noticed that battery life suffers when this happens. I found that power cycling the phone will bring back EVDO.
I will be visiting the Sprint store to get mine replaced as I am still within 30 days of purchase.
Power cycling, making a call, updating PRL, basicly anything that stops the current connection of data making it have to reconnect will give you EV till it doesn't again.
I did some more research last night and I applied the CL14 update to my phone, and the CL14 update IS causing my phone to switch between 1X and EV all the time. On the original baseband that shipped with the phone the issue did not happen. Only after upgrading to CL14 did this stuff occuring. After realizing that CL14 was causing this issue I flashed back to stock, and then did the CL14 System Files only update and left my baseband intact with what shipped on the phone. I've only lost signal once today, and had 1 delay of txt. Ugh. We'll see.
Update. I've lost signal 15 times and I've had over 40 text messages sit there and fail and never go thru. I'm going to call Sprint and notify them that the CL14 Update is to blame for this problem. Who knows if the rep will take me seriously but I will be flashing back to stock tonight. This blows, but I'd rather deal with a laggy keyboard, then constant dropped calls, no signal, and texts that never go thru.

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