My tutorial on syncing Eris with Outlook - WITHOUT GOOGLE


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Nov 8, 2009
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I think one big advantage the Eris has over the Motorola Droid is the ability to easily sync your Outlook from your PC to the phone, without using Google or your Gmail account. I’m old school and don’t like the idea of all my stuff being in Google’s hands.

There is a little learning curve to this so here it is step by step to save you some time.

1. Gmail contacts/mail.
The reps at the Verizon store and Best Buy have been trained to get you set up on Gmail before you leave the store, either on your existing account or starting you out with a new one. If you have an existing account there is one caveat. Gmail creates contacts for you from email addresses automatically if you really want them as “contacts” or not. If you do NOT want all these people in your phone contact list (found under the “People” ap by the way then delete them in Gmail before you set up the account. You can do this by clicking the “Contacts” link in the left column, hitting select all in the middle, and delete. You can also selectively delete then and or/sort them here. If you already have all these contacts in your phone and want to get rid of them on the device go to the People ap, then hit the menu key, then delete contacts, then menu key again, then select all, then delete. I would also point out if you want to avoid the phone picking up your Gmail contacts in the future go to the settings menu, data synchronization, and Google and there you can uncheck syncing with Gmail contacts and Google calendar too for that matter.

2. Get the sync software from HTC.
Its not in the box and there is no mention of it in the Tips and Tricks guide (the only documentation that comes with the phone. It does get a description in chapter 9.3 in the full user guide (available here:

The link for the software is here. (note this is only on the HTC US site.) On that page are the instructions on how to install it so I won’t go into that. But its important to note to install the software before you connect your phone to the computer.
HTC Sync Update 2.0.8 for DROID ERIS

3. Using the HTC Sync.
Once the software is running and you phone has been found and recognized by Windows you will notice the buttons in the software don’t do anything. You will see Synchronize Now and Sync Manager. The is because you now have to tell the phone what to do which is different from most sync managers. On the phone there is a notification bar – the very top bar with the icons showing your network, wifi, battery etc. That’s actually a pull-down. Touch and hold there and when you see the grey bar appear below it drag that down. Now you will see “USB connected” and “HTC Sync”. If you touch USB Connected you will to another menu which will “mount” the phone as a drive on your computer – this is how you will then drag and drop items to the SD card in the phone. Docs, music, videos whatever. If you hit the HTC Sync button you will really be connecting the phone to the computer for syncing. On the phone you will get a sync now menu and on the computer you will see your HTC Sync has changed with the prior two buttons lit up and another button added “Application Loader”

The first time you do this you will get the Sync Manager settings dialog asking what you want to sync and from where. Be sure to hit the properties button to set these selections as you want. I had a problem initially getting my Outlook calendar to sync. If this happens to you under properties deselect “default calendar folder” and set the folder yourself to calendar – mine had defaulted to contacts which is why the calendar didn’t come in the first time.

That’s it, the rest is pretty intuitive. Have fun Eris brothers and sisters!
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Nov 9, 2009
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I used the above advice on downloading the software to link up my Outlook with my new Eris, but now I have a problem. On the next section, it asks:

"Support Choose Your Product" ... but the Verizon Eris is lot listed. Is there something else to select? Thank you for your help.


Nov 9, 2009
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I want to bump this with the hopes that someone with offer some help to my problem. I just need to know what to "choose" from the above reply.

I also just tried to read a few threads, but it a few replies were like reading Greek since I am far from being a techno-geek and don't speak the language. Since this is a new board, I hope the pros will understand and take it easy on those of us who are new to this.


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Nov 8, 2009
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Franklin - not sure what screen you are referring to. Tell what you have done to get to that message and I'll try to talk you through it.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
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Impossiblefunky - remember you have to touch the notifications bar at the top and drag it down to see the button to actually link to your PC. Do you see "USB connected" there when you first plug in the USB cable. Alternatively you can go to menu-settings-data synch-PC and that will get you to the sync screen.


Nov 9, 2009
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I finally found some quiet time (no children running around) and slowed down my steps (slow enough to actually read the directions). I was able to successfully download and install HTC Sync on my laptop. The initial problem I had was with a 2nd IE window that popped up asking for more specific info, but I didn't have that window this time.

However, I am completely stumped again.

My .pst Outlook files are playing cat and mouse with me. When I use the "explore" option, I can't find the .pst files (even though I made them "unhidden". It is only after I open Outlook and open the Data Files that the .pst files will appear in the explore search.

However, despite looking at it on my laptop, the HTC Sync can't find the .pst files.

Can someone please talk me through this?


Nov 9, 2009
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I am away from home (think hotel room) with my laptop without any original discs for my Outlook, etc. so I can't contact MS for online help.

I have signed on as the administrator and unhidden everything, but I can't find the .pst file.

I would love to sync my outlook contacts with my new ERIS. Does this trigger anything you have read/heard about in the past? I would love some help so I could better use my ERIS.


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Nov 16, 2009
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Outlook Email Help

I downloaded the sync software from HTC says sync was sucessful and so on but where do i see all my calender events also i need to link my outlook work email to my phone could some please help me with this ide hate to go back to my BB but if outlook wont work i have no choice



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Jan 4, 2010
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Droid does not

Just give up. Droid DOES NOT sync with your PC. HTC Sync software only works on a few XP computers (but I haven't one that works yet- I have four XP machines). God help you (and HTC will try) if it works on yours....

And if you have 7, you have to use a "work-around"? Does anyone else see how ridiculous this sounds? I am insulted!!

Try a third party (what was that link again)?________________________
There are two available. I will post back once I find them....

They should be sued for saying "droid is as connected as you". I am way more connected that this thing (with my old phone). I have been syncing outlook contacts for more than 10 years. And NOW this thing DOES NOT!!???

Enraged at this conclusion, beyond belief,:mad:

HTC "used"


Dec 22, 2009
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CompanionLink is a 3rd party solution that works fine for Droid Eris. One product we have supports Contacts, Calendar, Tasks and Memo sync via Google. Last month we introduced direct USB Sync so it works more like people have been doing for the last 10 years.

Google Android sync

You can try it for free for 14 days, and it's $39.95 if you like it and continue using it after that. We have free email and telephone technical support.

Check out this page for more information:

Wayland Bruns, CTO
CompanionLink Software, Inc.


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Jan 5, 2010
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Ok have Windows 7 installed HTC Sync to Outlook...everything worked, got my Calender, Emails etc. Left on trip out of country came back plugged in....nothing. HTC can't connect to phone, Phone does allow USB to Card file transfer but HTC Sync does not connect. Unistalled - reinstalled same issue. I am starting to think it may be related to one of the many apps I tried out...any Ideas?


Active member
Feb 27, 2010
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I transferred all my appointments from Outlook to GMail and then to my new Hero phone. I have since decided that Outlook-only is the way to go. I deleted everything in my GMail account and re-synced. All Google contacts disappeared from my phone but the appointments are still there. Anyone know how to delete them? I have 8 or so years of appts there so a manual approach is not going to work.


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May 4, 2010
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I don't see the point in buying something that HTC thinks it makes work for free.

I can't make my calendar sync to save my life. It claims it does, but none of my appointments show up. I'm getting very close to selling this piece of garbage and getting a Blackberry.