Need help finding thread!Please


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Hi guys. I was trying to find an thread that i had seen. It was how to trick the phone into thinking that roaming was actually the sprint towers. It needed the MSL code to work but now that i have my msl code i cant find the thread. If one of you could redirect me to the thread i would really appreciate it .
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Yes as this will come up on sprints end as roaming usage. Nick I believe got his sprint cancelled for using this

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
Thanks thats it! If i have the unlimited data plan will that still be an issue?

If you read the fine print on you're contract, you have unlimited "in network roaming" which means you can go to a different states but still be on sprints network. Out of network is when you use a different carriers towers ie. Verizon. You are allowed 800 mb of data and 300 min. Of voice calls on out of network towers. Now if you go over those limits nothing with happened UNLESS you make it a habit and do it month after month. I know I used almost 2Gb of roaming one month, but they said as long you don't make a habit of it I am OK. (I called sprint and asked)

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