Here's a new ad for the Xoom that was posted on youtube, it's only 14 seconds long.
YouTube - Motorola XOOM In Action
Flash update:
Adobe updated the Android Market description for Flash Player to include:
It SHOULD NOT be installed on devices/tablets with the NVIDIA Tegra 2 super chip including the LG Optimus 2X Dell Streak 7 and Motorola ATRIX. The pre-installed version of Flash Player is optimized for Tegra 2. Future updates will include these optimizations. If you are unsure as to whether your device includes the NVIDIA Tegra 2, please consult your device owner?s manual.
YouTube - Motorola XOOM In Action
Flash update:
Adobe updated the Android Market description for Flash Player to include:
It SHOULD NOT be installed on devices/tablets with the NVIDIA Tegra 2 super chip including the LG Optimus 2X Dell Streak 7 and Motorola ATRIX. The pre-installed version of Flash Player is optimized for Tegra 2. Future updates will include these optimizations. If you are unsure as to whether your device includes the NVIDIA Tegra 2, please consult your device owner?s manual.