New Android Fan


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Feb 17, 2011
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Hey All
Long time Nokia S60 fan as I used to work there. Have resisted the iPhone out of principle (are they the new Microsoft that everyone loves to hate?!) and lack of price breaks (EVER!).
Well my wife's b-day is coming up and I had read somewhere that the nookcolor had been rooted and found myself here.
Looks like a great community with a ton of information.

So anyway I bought a nookcolor and just got it yesterday. I had Froyo up and running off SD in minutes - SWEET:)
Plan on going to Honeycomb once its fully released. Hope this happens by 9-Mar as I don't want my wife to ever see the stock OS. But I guess I can always give it to her with Froyo.
Hope to get her hooked on Android so I can finally get her old Nokia E70 replaced with something. Maybe the Atrix...

Thanks in advance to all the help you guys will be giving me!


Q&A Team
Dec 29, 2010
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Welcome to the A/C family! I also got my wife hooked on android...can finally get rid of all the iDevices and blackberries sitting around the house!


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
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Thanks All
Got my NC rooted
Ran Froyo off SD card and am installing HC on another card.

You Guys ROCK