New Edge, 2 questions


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2014
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Well, 2 questions so far. :) Got my Edge about 4 hours ago. I've been customizing it (installing apps, moving icons, etc) and I have 2 questions. First, is there any way to swap icons on the Edge screen (2nd screen? thumb screen?)? For example, it has an icon for the generic web browser. I use Firefox so I'd rather have the FF icon instead of the generic one (Samsung/Sprints browser). I don't want a bunch of icons that will just muddy the waters. Second, before I got this, I read that you can customize the Google voice activated search thing (no idea what the official name is or I'd search for it) so instead of having to say "Ok, Google" (which sounds dumb), you can say whatever you like such as "Wake up, minion!" or the like. Anyone know how to customize that or what I can search for?

Great phone so far but a heck of a learning curve, even from my previous S4 (which I thought was a great device). Lots of things to move, check, uncheck, etc. Good thing I'm on holiday.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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To customized the edge panel select the star at the top of the panel, then you can drag and drop apps on the panel. When your done select done. I don't use Google voice, but I'm sure one of the other forum members can help you with it.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2013
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How do you customize the second Fav panel? This is in AT&T version. I do not seem to edit anything on that one. Only I can unselect it.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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How do you customize the second Fav panel? This is in AT&T version. I do not seem to edit anything on that one. Only I can unselect it.

It looks like you cannot edit that panel on the ATT version. I was trying to edit it last night, and I couldn't.