I only came by to see what other issues people had with this crap phone. I am on my third and none of them has ever worked correctly. I am not usually a person that agrees with lawsuits and such but when you pay for a phone with certain features and said phone NEVER lives up to said features AND the seller does not do anything to make it right then that is theft. My phone reboots, loses conectivity CONSTANTLY, GPS takes a week to find itself, and I'm probably things leaving out. OH and I'm lucky if I get 4 hrs out of it. I'm not sure how many of you have these issues but how WHY do we put up with it? I did have a good conversation with the rep this morning that offered me 100$ and an early upgrade. I'm greatful and its more than I thought I would get offered but its still wrong it shouldnt come out of my pocket at all to get a phone that works. Am I just a PRICK or am I right?
THanks for listening
you're right, in a way. but every phone has its shortcomings. (even the i&hone4 couldn't be used by LeftHanders...seriously..come on)
it does suck that battery life is less than desirable, but that's fixable by rooting (change ROM, go AOSP, change kernel, remove bloatware) or simple modifications of the phone (switch to 3g, use wifi, lower screen brightness, minimize your auto-sync frequency, lower screen-timeout)
GPS is shotty--but that's fixable by rooting or simple modifications to the phone (upgrade your radio).
reboots were annoying, but that's fixable by rooting or updating your phone software. since i've rooted, i've not had one single reboot--and many who updated their phone to GB leaks haven't had many reboots, either.
the phone isn't everything HTC/VZW said it would be at launch (skype? anyone?) but since you bought the phone, you can mod the phone. might void a warranty but you bought it. you have just as much ability to make it work as the next person (unless you're not willing to or not particularly tech savy, in which case forget i said it)
sorry you've had such a bad time, but many of the problems you'e stated have been addressed by homebrew Developers who are found in the Roots/Hacks forums here & xda, rootzwiki & are more than willing to help you maximize your phone.
best of luck.
if you've explorer alternatives & tried the simple solutions to extend battery, fix gps & reboots, then ok. you've done what most people have. if not, then there's a good quote from the tv show Frasier.
frasier, "you have no right to complain about a problem unless you've first done something in attempt to fix the problem"
i have become frustrated with the phone, too. where's Gingerbread without rooting? that still irks me. but considering there are loads of people that have fixed problems HTC never once pushed a fix-patch for & these people are doing it on their spare time (imoseyon, BAMF, Chingy, Adrynaline, etc), the resources are out there to correct mistakes that shouldn't have been there in the first place. but the fixes are there & i'll take advantage of them.
every phone on the market will have problems. any operating system. and there will always be "it could be better" posts. that can only be expected. some people just make the best of the phones they can afford & modify annoyances that can be corrected.
hope you find a phone that you like.