Question: Does this happen with other connected devices, like any computers you have on wifi, or is it just your phone that seems to drop wifi?
If you don't notice the same behavior (loss of Internet when using wifi) on other devices it *may* be an issue with the phone, but the whole eHRPD and RevA settings only really apply to when using mobile data I believe...wifi shouldn't be affected by that setting.
If you notice other devices lose connection to Internet, then the most likely culprit may be interference. Since you claim to have a newer router, the risk of interference should actually be minimal, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. Many other electronic devices can interfere with wifi signal and cause connections to drop, such as cordless phones, bluetooth devices or neighboring wifi routers (apts and townhomes). Frank's advice is sound...changing the channel and frequencies being used may be way to avoid interference if it is present.
Pete, you're absolutely right - I'm not sure what the heck I was thinking. eHRPD isn't even involved in my wifi connection. Duh.
No, no other devices drop from this router. Galaxy Tab, Nook, laptops, iPod - nothing. Just the two Thunderbolts. Sometimes I can go a day without it, sometimes it's 3 times in one evening, but it's just the Bolts that do it.
Point of note, in case anyone thinks it's related .. my son's Win7 laptop is horribly slow over wifi with this router. Horribly slow. Can't figure it out. Wired, it smokes. Wifi, it's a dog.
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