New updates, not ICS

Question: Does this happen with other connected devices, like any computers you have on wifi, or is it just your phone that seems to drop wifi?

If you don't notice the same behavior (loss of Internet when using wifi) on other devices it *may* be an issue with the phone, but the whole eHRPD and RevA settings only really apply to when using mobile data I believe...wifi shouldn't be affected by that setting.

If you notice other devices lose connection to Internet, then the most likely culprit may be interference. Since you claim to have a newer router, the risk of interference should actually be minimal, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. Many other electronic devices can interfere with wifi signal and cause connections to drop, such as cordless phones, bluetooth devices or neighboring wifi routers (apts and townhomes). Frank's advice is sound...changing the channel and frequencies being used may be way to avoid interference if it is present.

Pete, you're absolutely right - I'm not sure what the heck I was thinking. eHRPD isn't even involved in my wifi connection. Duh.

No, no other devices drop from this router. Galaxy Tab, Nook, laptops, iPod - nothing. Just the two Thunderbolts. Sometimes I can go a day without it, sometimes it's 3 times in one evening, but it's just the Bolts that do it.

Point of note, in case anyone thinks it's related .. my son's Win7 laptop is horribly slow over wifi with this router. Horribly slow. Can't figure it out. Wired, it smokes. Wifi, it's a dog.

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If you suspect interference from neighboring wifi access points, check out an app called Wifi Manager. You can install it on your Tab or phone, and it has a feature where it will show you a map of all the available wifi networks around you, and what channel they are broadcasting on, which can make it easier to pick a channel for your own network to reside on.
If you suspect interference from neighboring wifi access points, check out an app called Wifi Manager. You can install it on your Tab or phone, and it has a feature where it will show you a map of all the available wifi networks around you, and what channel they are broadcasting on, which can make it easier to pick a channel for your own network to reside on.

On that note; if you have a Dell PC, there is usually a program called "DW WLAN Card Utility" that has a tab called "Site Monitor" where you can see all surrounding Wi-Fi networks. I used it when setting up my home Wi-Fi to pick a channel no one else was using and periodically check it to ensure that's still the case. :)

Back to the thread topic :), has anyone been able to download and try the leaked RUU? I keep trying, but any site I've found hosting the file are so slow I've given up. :(
So, uh, back to this RUU.

I'm gonna wait for it to push. Flashing a full RUU just for bugfixes is kinda ridiculous.

(And I'm not crazy about someone saying "Here's an EXCLUSIVE RUU that we refuse to help you with if you screw something up!" Then again, that's what we're here for. lol

Exclusive. Heh.
Waiting too. I've seen too many updates screw up stability that was already there. Fingers crossed the brethren don't have any issues with this latest ....

And Phil I'm very happy to see you've still got the TB. Thought that RT of my joke a few weeks back meant you'd left it long behind. ;-)
Ah wait - looks like that's for the E4200, not the E4200v2. :-( Firmware came out before the v2 was even released. Ah well - still, thanks for looking. Very much appreciated.

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Oops... sorry about that. Just wanted to make sure you were up to date. But since you've been checking I imagine you are. Do check out the various options on the config of both the router and the phone. It's about compatibility and negotiations between the phone (or device) and the router. It is VERY common when using multiple clients (devices) to have to configure the router and device to the lowest common denominator that will work across all devices. Especially encryption and speed. Try it.

That list is interesting to me for two specific items - the IPV6 over eHRPD issue, and the Cisco Any Connect VPN issue.

For Christmas I got the newest whizbang router from Cisco, the E4200v2. Probably once a day my Wifi connection loses Internet. Dunno why, but it just stops working. I'm connected to the router, but I have no Internet connectivity. I turn Wifi off and back on and I'm all set.

Could my issue be one of those two things? I'm testing right now, pre-update, but going into that "##778#" mode and going back to Rev A, just to see ....

Sorry to keep veering off topic (Phil did hit the nail on the head in his post about the RUU though) but i only lose wifi connection when my phone is idle, not when i'm using it. I have to turn wifi off/on to get internet access again.
Sorry to keep veering off topic (Phil did hit the nail on the head in his post about the RUU though) but i only lose wifi connection when my phone is idle, not when i'm using it. I have to turn wifi off/on to get internet access again.

Redhat, check your Wifi sleep setting ...

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Nice VZ didn't forget the Tbolt. But im ready to move on to bigger and better things. My 1 year deal expired in march. Hoping Galaxy S III on VZ or wait on the droid fighter and see if those specs are true.
Redhat, check your Wifi sleep setting ...

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

I looked Wifi sleep policy and "never" was selected. The next setting below that is Best Wifi performance (says may consume more power) which is not checked. If i check that box, would that keep wifi turned on when phone goes idle?
I'll give this a try this weekend. Haven't installed an RUU in forever! Don't have time to set my phone all back up during the week though, so hopefully someone else tries it before this weekend so I'll know if it kills something.
I agree with Phil. RUU not worth it for minor bug fixes. It was different using RUU to escape issues under Froyo. I'll wait for OTA on this update. Not sure about ICS when it leaks. GB on TBolt has been great. No need to risk messing it up right now.
I'm getting sick of the dialer bug, want to find out if they fixed that. That bug is bad on my phone, pretty much have to restart everyday or it'll get me. Luckily I don't make a lot of phone calls.
+1 The dialer issue is the only one I have. Being that I have both a rooted and not rooted Bolt I've been using the non rooted phone because the great Devs have been a little slow on updates. I found the better (in my opinion only) Roms at Team BAMF. And they haven't even updated to 2.11.605.9 yet. I missed not having the proper ringtones and went back to stock unrooted. I really couldn't care less about ICS if the dialer issue was fixed I'd be happy with GB. My little PODUNK town just got 4G last week. I'm a happy camper. Maybe an app that closes 4G when the screen is off to save a little battery life. I've gone from 24 or more hours on a charge to about 10 with 4G.

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