NEWBIE-using usb hub to copy from iphone to ext hd


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Feb 6, 2012
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I'm a total newbie to Android. I was going to buy an ipad, but saw the slider and it looked soooo much more customizable/interesting than my iphone 4.

The usb and microsd port also caught my attention.

What I want to know to connect

using a usb hub
1) external hard drive
2) sd card reader / or connecting to my camera
3) iphone 4
4) micro sd

Can I use the slider as a means of transferring data from my iphone/camera -> external hard drive?

Like the equivalent of opening up "My Computer" and transferring from one media to another?

Also, I kind of read about rooting your android device, is that still really applicable with an android tablet? I heard people root their android phones to make it more like a table, but since I have a tablet, is there really a point?

Thanks in advance!