

Well-known member
Jul 22, 2013
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Hello Everybody !
I've long been an iOS fan for many years but when the time came for I had to upgrade my phone from my crappy BB. I looked around the iPhone 5 was my obvious choice but I dipped my foot into the water and I looked into android as well. After weeks of research, I came to the conclusion the HTC One is the best phone out their and even beating the Samsung Galaxy S4 in many polls.
Its been over a month since I've had my HTC One and all I can say is "WHAT A PHONE". This hands down beats iPhone for me (and I've been a massive fan as well). The display, camera and even the interface is bang on. Since my bought my HTC, I've managed to see many flaws with the iPhone that I never saw before and I can honestly say that overall while it has its weaknesses here and their, Android is better than iOS. Since I've bought it, I would like the experienced people here on this forum to help me out with some issues.

1) I have a friend who is a massive iPhone 5 fan, she extremely criticized me for purchasing the HTC, so I was wondering can anyone give me any comebacks (Although I know a few, the more, the merrrier) with regards why the HTC One, sense 5 and Android is better than the iPhone 5 and iOS.
2) I like the multitasking bar as I believe its fairly efficient at getting things done and it provides a much better experience than the multitasking on iOS 6 or even 7. My only quam is that is their any way that I can kill all running apps at once ?! The Samsung Galaxy S4 has a kill all button in its multitasking bar so I was wondering is their HTC equivalent ?!
3) My notification drawer is fairly empty, I was wondering if anyone would be as kind as to suggest some good apps/ widgets ?!

Thank You and I appreciate anyone taking their time to help me ! :)


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Oct 28, 2012
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First of all congratulations on your decision and I do agree that the HTC One is the best device out there, at least for me.

1) I do not know.
2) What you're talking about is "Recent Apps" and swiping them away doesn't actually kill them but rather removes them from the recent applications, just as it sounds. There is no way to do it at once on the HTC One, unfortunately, but I run custom ROMs and an option on TrickDroid and ViperOne ROM (and I am sure many others as well) is using the stock/AOSP Recent Apps rather than the Sense's one, and it has that 'swipe all' button. I know this doesn't solve your problem but I just wanted to say it.
3) If you want Quick Settings you'll have to install an application like Widgestoid, for instance, which does the job for me. It not only looks beautiful, but it's also very easy to deal with. If you're on the latest 4.2.2 firmware, you'll also have Native EQS by tapping the top right corner of the notification drawer.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Thanks and I appreciate the reply sir !

I was referring to the recent apps. I have "Advanced Task Killer" installed which frees up RAM space although I was looking for a more efficient way of clearing the multitasking bar rather than just swiping up. I also wish to do without installing a custom ROM as well.
I've installed an app which has quick toggles in the notification drawer but with that and a small calendar reminder, the drawer just looks rather empty. Thanks, I'll be sure to take a look into it.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
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Oh I am sorry for misunderstanding. I am going to tell you what everyone has told me when I first got Android, it knows how to handles itself and it does not need a third party application to 'free up' RAM space for it, especially since you have 2 GB of RAM which is more than enough. However if you insist (and I don't recommend using any), you can try this Smart RAM Booster or just search the PlayStore for RAM freeing applications, they all do the exact same thing - I used Smart RAM Booster on my Galaxy SIII for a couple of days then removed it, it has a nice little widget too so you don't have to keep accessing the application to free up space.

Regarding the drawer, I don't know if there's anything more that you can add. Leave space for notifications man! This is not an iPhone with iOS 6. lol


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2013
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I think you misunderstood again Sir ! I'm not really worried about the RAM, as I use the RAM tool rarely, its the multitasking im worried about !

Thanks, but I tend to get to notifications rather quickly and every time I pull it down it just looks so empty, I'd rather fill it with some good information !

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