Nexus 4 Order Feedback (no preference on model, order date, or country)


Jan 29, 2012
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This is literally the 5 millionth thread about google's fail of a launch. I don't even want to blame lg because the other nexus devices are also MIA. I am simply one of the thousands of people stuck in the unknown limbo for the nexus 4 wait. My 8gb Nexus 4 was ordered on the 29th of November and i still haven't received any info besides the original estimated date of JANUARY 30TH!!!! By this time now, I have waited a month and a little over a week. I am apparently expected to wait the full 9 weeks for my phone to come. PLUS i am currently without a phone simply due to how my contract worked out. If anyone reads this, (regardless of country, phone model, or order date) just leave a comment with feedback of your order status whether or not you have received your device, have received order confirmation, or (just like me) are still in the dark as far as order status is concerned. As far as me, I'm literally hovering of the cancel order button because of this **** ordering process.

Leave your feedback and shipping status, and if you are a lucky nexus 4 holder, please tell me whether it is worth it as an "on a budget" phone.

"I have No nexus, no support feedback, NO GOOD CUSTOMER SUPPORT, and the race begins for my non existent nexus to gradually become out of date. If I ever even get my nexus, it damn well better be worth it because i have never even heard of a predicament in shipping as bad as this was. Google, you can shove this up your b*tch a*s, stop pointing fingers at LG, and get your F**KING priorities in order." :mad:


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Dec 12, 2012
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I totally agree, I'm pretty dam upset with Google. I've own Nexus one, and Nexus S. If you read my previous thread's and see how some people praise this company and say "its not googles fault", its pretty clear and sad to see where our society is going. The truth is Google screwed up and doesn't want to take any blame for there own mistakes.

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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Ordered a N4 and N10 the first day they were available, both arrived in 3 days without incident.
When they came back in stock, ordered two N4s, both were delivered timely with no incident.
The N10 had severe buzz in one of the speakers and needed RMA'd. One phone call, and a new unit was delivered along with a return label in 2 days with no incident. The young man at Google I spoke with was knowledgeable and courteous.

Sir Alex

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Dec 14, 2012
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Millions are unemployed and/or are going hungry, while you complain about not getting a freaking phone. That's where our society is going. Get a grip on reality.


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Dec 29, 2009
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Ordered N4 during the second availability and got it within about a week. I've spoken with Google Nexus customer service a few times (about faulty Nexus 7) and they were very helpful, kind and willing to put a lot of effort in.

Everyone will have different experiences.


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Dec 12, 2012
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Wow, where does this unemployment come from and going hungry? Don't complain even if your right.. google is always right,,,that's reality


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May 16, 2011
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They said 4-5wks & it was down to the wire arriving on NYE but definitely worth the wait IMO.
Started the new year with a new phone & while it's not the absolute best in every spec, for 400$ can't go wrong.

Meanwhile, my GNex is back it its box awaiting Ubuntu.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums


Jan 29, 2012
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for all of the trolls on this page, all i was asking for was feedback and to add my personal experience... i want everyone else's stories on ordering, no more no less.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2012
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This is literally the 5 millionth thread about google's fail of a launch.

...then why did you create yet another one?

Millions are unemployed and/or are going hungry, while you complain about not getting a freaking phone. That's where our society is going. Get a grip on reality.

Does that mean our every conversation should be about how to better the world? This is a forum dedicated to Android powered devices; the topics of global hunger and rising unemployment don't have a place here and that doesn't mean people don't have their priorities straight.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2012
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Millions are unemployed and/or are going hungry, while you complain about not getting a freaking phone. That's where our society is going. Get a grip on reality.

Millions are dying from starvation and dehydration' while you are telling him about unemployment. Its called "first world" problems.

Sent from my Nexus 4


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May 3, 2012
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Ordered during the second US shipment (Nov 28 I think) with a 4-5 week wait. It took 4 weeks 5 days to arrive at my doorstep.

This is an android forum so android discussions are put above world hunger discussions. But from what you said you're still in the time period Google stated. IMO complaining means nothing since you saw the quoted time period before purchase.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD


Jan 29, 2012
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Ordered during the second US shipment (Nov 28 I think) with a 4-5 week wait. It took 4 weeks 5 days to arrive at my doorstep.

This is an android forum so android discussions are put above world hunger discussions. But from what you said you're still in the time period Google stated. IMO complaining means nothing since you saw the quoted time period before purchase.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Yeah i guess you are absolutely right... but 2 months, c'mon. I know it said it but Over 7 of the google customer support employees informed me that that was more or less of a worst case scenario. Oh Well than


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Jan 12, 2013
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It's not Google's fault, they are only the retailer. If you aren't happy, then don't buy a Nexus 4.

There are plenty of other Android phone's on the market. No one is forcing you to buy a Nexus 4. You can cancel your order at anytime.


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Nov 19, 2012
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It is Google's fault that they can't update an address on an order meaning it had to be cancelled. Wouldn't have been too bad if they didn't stop me reordering for two days so I am still waiting (the estimated delivery went from 1-2 to 5-6 weeks). What is really bad though is the complete lack of communication from Google. At the very least I'd have expected an email on the fortnight it's expected to ship apologising for the delay and giving me an updated delivery estimate.

What I don't understand is how they seem to be out of stock of pretty much everything. I know Google haven't dealt with physical products until recently but you would think they would have hired someone who knew what they were doing!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Android Central Forums

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