Nexus 5x charging problems and cache cleaning questions.


Jul 12, 2016
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Hello! I was not able to find thread about this problem. So heres the problem i have with my nexus. When i use my phone while its in charge, the battery percentage won't increase at all. But when i close the screen, it starts charging normally.

I have tried switching the cord other way around, but it has not helped. The phone is only one week old, and i noticed this problem couple of days ago. Will cleaning the cache data help with this problem at all or am i dealing with hardware problem? There was an update, and the problems might have started after that update, altought im not sure. Another question about the cache cleaning is, will it wipe all of my media(games, photos,messages) from the device?

Kind regards



Jul 12, 2016
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I wasn't able to wipe the system cache data. When i boot it in recovery mode and there is this robot on its back, it says "no command". And when i try to press volume up and power at the same time, it just boots the phone in recovery mode and everything is black and white. Any tips how i can get it to work?


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Feb 5, 2013
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I wasn't able to wipe the system cache data. When i boot it in recovery mode and there is this robot on its back, it says "no command". And when i try to press volume up and power at the same time, it just boots the phone in recovery mode and everything is black and white. Any tips how i can get it to work?
You have to hold just the power button for 3-4 seconds, then tap volume up while still holding power and release both

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Yup, it can be a little tricky. In my experience, the Power button doesn't need to be held down for quite that long. The sequence is to press and hold Power, then after about half a second, press and hold Vol Up, then release both after another half second or so.


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Sep 28, 2013
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When I wiped the cache on my Nexus 5 it took a long time. On my Nexus 5x it was very fast. I don't know if it's because it's a different phone or because I hadn't used the 5x long since the last factory restore and there was much to wipe.

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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The N5 has always taken a long time to wipe the cache--not sure why. I don't think it has to do with how long of an interval between wipes. All of my other devices take only a few seconds (except maybe the ASUS ZenFone 2--can't quite remember).


Jul 12, 2016
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Im really losing hope on this one. Wiped all data on phone, bought new charger, still didn't help. I don't get how it charges so fast when the screen is off, but when it's on the percentage just freezes and stays the same.. any ideas?


Jul 12, 2016
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Thanks for the tips B. Diddy, i have to try these! If i boot in safe mode, that should not delete any of my media? Anyway, Last night i was watching netflix when my nexus announced about a new update so i updated it. Altought it said that it's only for safety emprovements, it seems that im getting much better battery life from my nexus and it doesn't get hot anymore so easily. I'll try this evening if it helped with the charging issues also. I read somewhere that there might be coming android N update soon, does any of you have any guesses when it might be out? I assume nexus devices are first to have this update?

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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If i boot in safe mode, that should not delete any of my media?

Correct, Safe Mode will not do anything to your personal data. The main thing it does is to temporarily disable all 3rd party apps you installed--only system apps or preinstalled apps will function, which can help you troubleshoot if a 3rd party app is causing problems.

Regarding the update, welcome to the wonderful world of Nexus!;) What you got was the monthly security update, which Google faithfully pushes to Nexus devices. These updates can also sometimes include a few bugfixes here and there, so it's possible there was something that helped. But if the phone is pretty new, it might also be due to the fact that your use is normalizing. When someone first gets a phone, there's a lot of updating and app installation going on, which can lead to increased battery use and heat production.

Regarding Nougat, the rumors I've heard is that it might start pushing out in August. And yes, they will most likely come to Nexus devices first (although sometimes, one of the other manufacturers will surprise everybody and beat Nexus to the punch).


Jul 12, 2016
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Ok, i have to try that safe mode thingy! And yes, i have noticed those weekly updates, maybe they give me some sort of safe feeling using my nexus, altought i suppose google collects all data regarding me anyway lol ;) btw it's nice that you guys are so nice and helpful for guy like me, who isn't a wizzard with these devices! It feels like at some forums people assume that i should already know everything from these devices. I mean how can i learn if i don't ask first lol.

Anyway, there might have been some bug fixes in that weekly update, because it has really helped with this problem i had. I get better battery life, my device doesn't get hot so easily, and i think it charges little better also. One thing i noticed with my headphones and new charger attached is that there is a buzzing noice in my headphones when the phone is charging. And it pauses when i touch the screen, weird right :D? And it is pretty loud also.

Regarding Android N, i am really looking excited to see how it looks like! Has Nougat been in beta testing yet, or are we nexus users androids "beta testers". Because if we are, i might wait few updates before installing N cause there might be a lot of bugs in it. Just like there was when lollipop came to my nexus 5 back in the days.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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One thing i noticed with my headphones and new charger attached is that there is a buzzing noice in my headphones when the phone is charging. And it pauses when i touch the screen, weird right ? And it is pretty loud also.

Does this happen if you try other chargers?


Jul 12, 2016
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Hi again! I can't believe im having this much problems with my nexus.. no the front facing speaker stopped working. Headphones work, bluetooth speaker works, but that freaking speaker doesn't. Is there anything i should try to fix it or is it most likely hardware problem? I have used my nexus very gentle. Everytime i go outside, i put my phone into a plastic bag so it won't get any moisture or dust in to aux port or charging port.. im really pissed up right now


Jul 12, 2016
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Well.. i was so pissed off i didn't even look if there was any water inside the aux port, and what do you know, there was a little drop of water. I dryed it up an it started to work :D so relieved.


Jul 12, 2016
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What kind of battery life are you getting from your nexus 5x phones? Mine lasts only 4-6 hours on light use. When i start using it the battery percent drops very quickly. Is the battery really that bad or is my device faulted.. can this be related to my charging problems?

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