Note 5 - Upper Left Screen Unresponsive and Crap Bletooth

I just picked up a gold Note 5 from Verizon the other day and was having the same exact problem! it drove me nuts so much that i returned it today. I absolutely love the phone but this was a deal breaker. I activated my iPhone 6s plus that I was supposed to sell after getting this phone. If it were samsung pay update wouldn't more people have this problem then just us? keep us updated on how your phone is working. I'm going to hold off on picking another one up until this is confirmed
Re: Upper lEft Screen Unresponsive and Crap Bletooth

Sorry for the long delay. ATT has replaced the phone, which fixed the Bluetooth. But the same screen problems persist. I've now had three of these phones with the exact same issue. Either the top left, right or middle of the screen becomes unresponsive--requiring a reboot. I've tried to keep the phone barebones as possible. But the screen issue returns, again, only in those specific areas--no where else on the screen. I would have no problem ignoring it, but the areas house important phone functions. I've taken the phone to the AT&T and Samsung device support centers. They just shrug and reflash it, once without asking me, deleting wedding photos I had taken at my best friends marriage. Honestly, this has soured me on Samsung and android, I will return to iphone as soon as possible.

Its the apps

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Ill b the first to admit that my phone wasnt perfect but after a factory reset and volume power down and updating my phone... no problems. Make sure u got all the recent downloads and bug fixes

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Its the apps

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You must be a Samsung Tech rep! Please read whole thread and the Hell I and Others with this problem have been through. And again, for me, after 4 different phones, running safe mode and/or no apps that weren't Phone, Im fairly certain it's Samsung Pay as I still haven't had it return and it's been a record-setting 2 days.
Samsung Pay reinstalled itself and it happened again. Uninstalling it fixed the problem. I'm sure this is the culprit, and have turned off galaxy app updates. Also I found another person with this specific problem who said Android Pay caused it for them. I'm thinking there is some weird conflict with the Pay Apps and the Note 5 NFC software. I'm going to refrain from posting during Christmas and will report the outcomes of keeping both Pay systems stopped, while also having NFC on or off (a variable I haven't messed with). This is a great phone with even better camera, but having to restart 6 times a day to access the upper left area just isn't sustainable. Anyways, Happy Holidays and I'll report back in a week.
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Ok, so I'm 7 Note 5's in;switched from Att to Sprint over Att horrible customer service in this fiasco, and I think I found an answer at least it's worked for me thus far. I changed my launcher from TouchWiz to ZenUI and it has operated perfectly for 24 hours. I haven't had more than an hour of perfect operation in 2 months and 7 phones worth of Note 5's,so I'm assuming this worked. Must be a TouchWiz thing; if I have issues again, I will try the Samsung Pay next
Sorry y'all. It came back again. Unfortunately I have to wait for a week to try yet another phone. My suspicions are NFC and Samsung Pay framework which you can not fully uninstall. Although I did go back to TouchWiz because of Nova's RAM demand and Google Keyboard before it happened. I have a week to experiment with those so I'll let you know if staying with Nova and away from Google Keyboard helps. Also I'm wondering if notifications play a part. In ANY case, the damn phone should just work. Especially since we are talking about Apps that are stock with the phone. Good luck and Happy Holidays.
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4 gb of ram and not enough for Nova? I've run Nova on less than 1 gb ram. In fact I've always used Nova. I don't use Samsung Pay and don't have it installed so I know nothing about that but Note 5 has lots of ram. Between the bluetooth issues and this issue just when I decide the scrounge and save to buy a used one I think I'd be taking on somebody else's problem.
After everything and Nova running, it SAYS 1gb of free ram, but it sure as **** doesn't feel like it. I would NOT recommend buying this phone without a warranty. Or at least a 20-30 day return policy as that when the problem manifests. Also my Bluetooth is beginning to deteriorate on this phone as well. I'll get back to y'all once I have my new (5th Note 5) replacement.
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The weird upper left screen unresponsiveness is happening to me too, but not my brother...this is really annoying
The weird upper left screen unresponsiveness is happening to me too, but not my brother...this is really annoying

If I use Droid Optimizer and kill all apps the top left of my screen works again without a reboot. It is definitely some app glitch and not a hardware glitch.
I was having the exact same issue, I deactivated and force closed Web view background app and problem solved temporarily :/

After that, I uninstalled T-Mobile My Account program and problem solved :S

Note 5 T-Mobile X 2
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What's odd is that it's the upper left hand corner in portrait and lanscape

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I also agree there is some kind of software issue going on here. I was having trouble maintaining my BT connection to my watch. Seems I was lucky to get 3 feet away and I wasn't even connected to any Wi-Fi! . After reading this thread I decided to try an experiment. Keeping in mind that I'm at work with no Wi-Fi source, I turned off the Wi-Fi on my phone and walked out of my office. Lo and behold, I was able to get considerably further away from my phone before my watch signaled it had lost the connection. How about it Samsung. Could really use a fix for this.
Samsung needs to get their act together . I do find it odd that the problem happens in both landscape and portrait . When I was first troubleshooting I switched themes back to stock and that momentarily fixed it . There is some inherent conflict with touch wiz and a running process /app . Looks like I will be ordering a nexus 6p for my android fix . Too bad I am bored with my iPhone 6s Plus as it is flawless as a device .
Well I had a Verizon note 4 for a year and never had this issue. Have an att note 4 for a week and now I'm dealing with it as well. Power off and on seems to fix it for awhile. Annoying

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I've tried everything. No single app seems to solve it. Thanks to the earlier posters who suggested Droid Optimizer, the Background Apps clear out works everytime, even though every app it 'clears out' I've run the phone without and had the problem nonetheless. But its the only thing that keeps working. Worth downloading and running if you have this problem.
Same problem on a Verizon note 5. With TouchWiz and Nova. Appeared to happen more often with a Debloater app than if I just ran it with all the bloat installed.

I have the Samsung Pay setup and updated as well. It's pretty hard to recreate but I'll try disabling it next time it happens and provide confirmation.

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