Notification Problems

Brian Low

Well-known member
Aug 19, 2013
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Bought the new nexus 2013 and has absolutely no problems so far except for the fact that when my tablet is flat on the table my screen tends to not work at times but i'm always holding my tablet so it doesn't bother me too much. I recently just noticed however that i'm not getting a notification that anything has happened to my tablet. The notification shows up in the notification bar but i don't here my tablet going off alerting me or my LED light showing that somethings there. I made sure everything is turned on, notification sound and led pulsing. nothing changes. Running stock everything here on 4.3. Anyone else having this problem? Think its a bug in 4.3? i've passed my return day limit so i don't think returning at this point is an option.


Trusted Member
Apr 12, 2012
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There is nothing wrong with your Nexus 7. Notification sounds are app specific.

For example open your email or Gmail app and go to settings. You'll find that you can turn notifications on and off and you can set the sound name you will hear. My incoming mail chimes just once when it first comes in. Then the white notification light at the bottom of the screen flashes very slowly until I clear the notification drop-down and read my email.

You can set different sounds for different apps. Not all apps make notification sounds.

I hope this was helpful.

Nexus 7 (2013)

Brian Low

Well-known member
Aug 19, 2013
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unfortunately i've already checked that. i made sure everything was turned on and i would get the sound and the notification. its really a minor problem though but it just bothers me to no ends. thanks for your input anyways.