Notifications Not Working

So I'm not getting any push notifications from apps. Facebook, Instagram both have all the options checked but never get any icon in the notification bar or sounds. Google+ is super slow to show them if any at times. But Gmail works fine.

Any ideas?

Posted via Android Central App

I was having the same problem... I have a Samsung Note 8. I realized that the apps that were not sending notifications had been put to sleep by the Optimize setting.... settings > Device Maintenance > Battery > Always Sleeping Apps.

Hope that helps
I have the same problem with my LG F60 phone, no notifications showing up or sounding. Checked all apps in settings, sound, etc. Can anybody help me. Also my home key and open apps key is not working when pressed.

I had the same problem with my lg g7, in my case it's not about the phone model - after lots of trys(!!!!) i realized the reason for the problem is....well... i download the app "MC CECURITY MASTER", the app as a defult shut down all the application notification - so if one of you who have this problem also download the app- change there the settings and off you go :)
good luck!!
I had this problem on blu smart phones and now on my honor 7x and on both of them it was due to battery optemization some were ok but others were stoped before they can send the notification so just find the ones with the issue and make them exempt from battery optimization
I became the owner of a new ASUS phone and came across this same problem. I had to go to Settings -> Apps -> Reset app preferences. Problem solved
I had the same problem with none of my app notifications sounding off or even displaying in my feed and then found out that my "Do not disturb" setting was on. Go to settings > rings > sound > do not disturb.

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