Old Google Calendar events don't show on the new phone

Hi Folks, hope you're keeping well. I have a similar problem, except my OnePlus 5 is not syncing past December 2019.

This is a huge problem for me, i'm taking bookings for next year and do a lot of the work on my phone. Any suggestions?
I looked at my Google Calendar on my desktop browser for the oldest event and noted the date and description. I went to settings and exported the Calender to my pc. Using notepad, I used edit to find the event "summary" with that title in the .ics file. I changed the event title in the summary by adding a word (any word or character will do.) I saved the modified .ics file and imported the modified .ics back into Google Calender on the desktop. When I resynced the phone, the event dates went all the way back to 2009.

This works great but you don't need to do any editing. Just by exporting the file then importing again and syncing the phone should do the trick. The last time i did this it said the import had failed... Try again later. I tried importing a couple of more times with the same result. However when i synced the phone everything going back to 2006 was there fine. :-)

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