Opportunity to Swap for Jet Black Iphone 7 Plus What would you do?


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May 16, 2016
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During the N7 battery fiasco, I placed an order for a Jet Black Iphone 7 plus at my local target assuming I would never get one. Well, as luck would have it, they have one for me today. My replacement N7 return policy expires tomorrow and I'm a bit torn on what to do. I am definitely enjoying my N7. Battery is solid, lag and stutter are minimal compared to my original version. I invested in a wireless charger and Gear VR (which I have yet to fully explore). I'll lose on reselling those plus my $35 restock fee.

I'm a gadget guy so I will probably keep the phone for a bout a year. Like many, all of my friends and family use an iphone so there is some upside to imessage, iPhoto etc. Also, that sweet jet black is calling my name scratches or not.

Did anyone switch over during the exchange period? If so, how's the experience been? Would you make the change now if given the chance?


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2016
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Your choice.... Keep the Note7 and upgrade to a iPhone 8 next year or take the iPhone 7 and upgrade to the Note8 next year. I'm considering to do that when ever I get a new phone again.

While I could make ios work but it need to be jailbroken to make it better =|... still waiting on the 10.0.x or 10.1 jailbreak....

Jean Sagarese

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Nov 14, 2014
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I switched from Apple for years and even though I kept my iPad, iPod and Apple Watch I don't see me returning anytime soon, I fell hard for the Note 7 and it just was not the same during the recall when I had to get the 7 Edge. Love the S-Pen for email and the wireless charging which Apple probably won't do till the Anniversary phone. But it is a personal decision for each of us - good luck no matter what you decide


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2016
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Your on a Note 7 forum asking us if we recommend a I phone do we really need to answer that, good luck


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2016
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I'd swap - especially if you're going to upgrade in a year anyway.

Say what you will, but iphones hold their value significantly better than other phones - meaning you'll get back a good bit more than if you're selling another device.


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Feb 28, 2013
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I tried a note 5 exactly a year ago- I usually switch phones after a couple of months but I think I used that Note consistently for about 6 months..or until whenever the Edge came out. I couldn't go back to my iPhone screen, it's why I ditched the edge... and went back to the Note 5 (until the 7 came out) I wouldn't go to a smaller screen, and I fell in love with the S pen.


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Jun 14, 2014
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I would say since you are a 'gadget guy', then give it a try and see how it works. There's no rule that says if you move to iOS you can't move back. I switched during the recall as well and I am really enjoying iOS. I wasn't lucky enough to score a 7 Plus, but the 6S plus works well. Having access to just about all of the Google services makes the switch much easier IMO.

Whatever you end up doing, I'm sure you will enjoy your choice. They are both amazing devices!



Well-known member
Apr 17, 2014
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I'd go with which ever OS you like the best. I used to be an iPhone guy from the second version up until the 5, I switched because it annoyed me how locked down the OS was and lack of customization and all of my phones were jailbroken as well. The are both great devices so you can't go wrong with either one.


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
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Seriously.. turn around and resell that thing..... You'll just end up scratching it otherwise... (or putting it in a case and then what's the point...)

Buy a regular iPhone if you want iOS.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
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I would take that jet black iPhone and resell it for a profit and then buy a pixel XL with some of those funds and with the remainder I would wait until the Note 7 refurb deals came out which are probably going to be pretty cheap and buy that one too. Have those two phones instead of one antiquated though good-looking iPhone.


Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
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I would resell the jet black one... Huge profit margin.

But with regards to the phone itself, I returned the note 7 and don't plan on buying a new one. Really enjoying the iPhone 7 Plus. And this is coming from someone who has used every single note available on Verizon. The last two years, I returned the 6 plus and 6s Plus. This year, I saw no major compelling reason to return the iPhone 7 Plus. Because honestly I don't like where Samsung is going with the curved screen which makes it difficult to use tempered glass screen protector. Then add the telephoto lens on the iPhone 7 Plus... And portrait mode. Wow.

No phone is perfect by any means... But for me, the iPhone 7 Plus is the best fit at the moment. I can say that I do miss the speed of the Note 7 camera. Nothing touches it.


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May 9, 2015
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Don't get iphone if in VZW. All kinds of complaints about poor and dropping signal in good signal areas.

All kinds of complaints, or is this another of those rampant unsubstantiated internet forum board rumors that pop up all the time? I have a household of new Verizon iPhone 7 and 7 Pluses with no issues whatsoever when it comes to signal.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2011
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All kinds of complaints, or is this another of those rampant unsubstantiated internet forum board rumors that pop up all the time? I have a household of new Verizon iPhone 7 and 7 Pluses with no issues whatsoever when it comes to signal.
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