OTA 4.0.4 or A ROM??


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2010
So I'm a little confused... Shouldn't my (stock) phone be able to pull up the update if I go to the settings??... If not what ROM has everything working?? I don't wanna get into it again if some basic apps don't work -_-

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Is your stock Nexus completely unrooted and just like it came from Verizon?

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Yup, nothing changed except for the launcher

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
Then yes....by all means you can install any update Verizon pushes to your device without worry. :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
That's what's annoying me... I go to the settings page and go to software update and it says it's up to date...... Nothing is pushing

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
When was Verizon supposed to push 4.0.4 to you guys?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Haha that I'm not sure but the zip file was made available a couple of days ago from Google... I'll wait it out for now... I'm in no hurry... Although some of these Roms seem temotit

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
Heck, if anything just call VZW CS and ask them if you installed the official image zip from Google if everything would be cool. I'd say it would, but doesnr hurt to make sure it won't effect your warranty. :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
The official ota had not been pushed out yet that is why it is saying you are "up to date." The only way to get 4.0.4 right now is to flash a ROM or what Google has up

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Oh so it hast been pushed out... OK cool

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
According to others here, May 30 is the day ota starts but didn't say if it was this year or not.
sent from me
^^^Hahaha awesome^^^.... I remember all these feelings of betrayal from Samsung and Verizon back when I had the Fascinate.... I still loved all my phones though

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The biggest improvement is going to be the radios. The 4.0.4 ROM its self has a few tweaks but with the new radios I have not had data drops.

I have always loved flashing new ROMs. All the ROMs out there are pretty much the same as one another right now, and all are based off of stock looking ICS with the exception being Miui (that I know of). Benefits of the ROMs is generally a faster updates,battery life,performance, and fixes for issues that might occur in a stock ROM.

I am currently on Gummy 1.2 with an imoseyon 3.7 kernel and love it. I have 31% left and am going on 27.5 hours with some light use since I have been home. Generally on a moderate to heavy use I am getting 15 hours, give or take a hour or 2 depending on usage. The day before I was at 17hr when I hit 15% and had 2hr 10min of screen on time. :D
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Thanks, that was great help.... I'll leave it be for the time being... For later on thought.... I'll most likely go full blown custom everything besides the actual physical phone hahaha

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Everyone likes proof.

3 days ago

yesterday and today so far
That's what's annoying me... I go to the settings page and go to software update and it says it's up to date...... Nothing is pushing

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums

That's because the update hasn't been released for your phone.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I've read three different articles stating that Verizon started pushing the ota out and I'm hoping that it just hasn't hit my area yet. I'm giving it till Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest and if it's a no go I grabbed the zip on Wed night when Google put it up on their servers.
Don't hold your breath for whatever date the ota is "promised". You might suffocate. :p

Install the king of custom roms -> AOKP. It is so solid. Everything works. Mucho tweaks.
What was your screen on time? I can typically get 15 hours with the screen on for three hours.

EDIT : Seems like Tapatalk never quoted the post. I was referring to ddemlong
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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