Pixel fatigue.


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Jun 6, 2015
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There are so many devices to choose from these days, and they're all good. The V40 is on my radar. The 6T is pending and the S10 looms above everything in my opinion, but that's just me. With the pixel leaking for months now, anyone else feeling the fatigue?


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May 3, 2011
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There are so many devices to choose from these days, and they're all good. The V40 is on my radar. The 6T is pending and the S10 looms above everything in my opinion, but that's just me. With the pixel leaking for months now, anyone else feeling the fatigue?

Lol same here. LG and Google made my choice for me. Their devices look great, bit I'm just not willing to pay$1000 for them. OnePlus 6t for me this year. I'll see what next year's Note, V series, and Pixels bring.


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Jun 6, 2015
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I'll see what next year's Note, V series, and Pixels bring.

I'm curious with the V40 display being a success if it'll be on the G8. Seems like LG finally got OLED right. I'm not holding my breath. LG seemed committed to LCD for the G series.


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May 30, 2011
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The fatigue I experience comes from phone upgrading every year. This year I'm enjoying sitting on the sidelines just watching the drama unfold. Nice to feel so comfortable with a device, my P2, that I do not feel any need to upgrade. Phone prices are becoming insane these days which is fatigue causing in itself. With the slight spec bumps it's just not worth making the financial commitment for me personally. Next year I'll re-evaluate how my P2 is doing but right now it still rocks my needs in excellent fashion.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2015
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The fatigue I experience comes from phone upgrading every year. This year I'm enjoying sitting on the sidelines just watching the drama unfold. Nice to feel so comfortable with a device, my P2, that I do not feel any need to upgrade. Phone prices are becoming insane these days which is fatigue causing in itself. With the slight spec bumps it's just not worth making the financial commitment for me personally. Next year I'll re-evaluate how my P2 is doing but right now it still rocks my needs in excellent fashion.

The Pixel 3 is exactly how I'd improve the Pixel 2 (particularly wireless charging) so I'll probably cave and get one, but then be the same as you next year and wait it out. The yearly upgrades for small spec bumps are getting ridiculous for even the most committed smartphone fan I reckon.


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Jan 26, 2011
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I used to upgrade every 3 to 6 months, then it was once a year, now I'm still rocking the OG Pixel XL and seriously wondering if the 3XL is a big enough upgrade. Fatigue is a real thing.
For myself I don't care much about a phone's style, I care about it's function. a lot of functions like camera functions call screening etc are coming to the Pixel XL.

So do I really want to spend $900 to get better speakers and a better camera. the screen is about a wash for me as the Pixel XL has a great screen unlike the 2 XL which ironically I'd probably be more willing to upgrade from thanks to the screen issues , which is why I didn't upgrade last year.

Also if every phone wasn't getting more and more expensive each year I'd be more eager. Maybe I'll wait until 5G phones come out, or at least until the Pixel XL doesn't get any more updates