Play Store App Icons not appearing on Home Screen


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2014
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Hey folks...

Hope everyone had a Good Xmas and New Year...

the title says it all really.. After downloading an app in the Play Store, they appear in my App drawer and are installed and work just fine.. but for some reason.. the app icon itself doesnt appear on the Home Screen..

This isnt the case with my 5T or Pixel 2 XL... Just the XZP...

I cant really pinpoint When it started happening either...

Any ideas or fix anyone?


Jul 14, 2011
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So you want that feature back? haha Most people want to disable that first thing they do when they get a new phone :p

But, if you want each app you install to also create a shortcut on your Home Screen, then just head over to the Play Store, tap the menu button, go to Settings, and make sure that the 'Add icon to Home Screen' option is active. That should do the trick.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2014
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That was the first thing I tried... but that option is not there in "settings" for some reason.. It must be some setting ive clicked somewhere...

Its not that serious tbh, its just something I quite like to have.. but ill get uysed to it.. Im more interested to know what Ive done rather than get it back.. if you know what i mean :)


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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There's no "outside the app" setting in some other app that can remove that checkbox. Google may have removed it because so many people turn it off. (Besides, if the current screen is full, the app won't be installed as a shortcut to the homescreen anyway ... on some phones. On others, a new homescreen will be created to make room. [And on a few phones, a new homescreen will be created for each app you install, up to the limit of the launcher.)


Jul 14, 2011
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It might be a Play Store 'bug' or feature that's being removed... but what's odd is that it's not showing/hiding consistently across devices. We've checked on a few different phones with the same Play Store version, and while I can still see the option on a Note 8, friends with a Pixel can't.

Apparently if you use Nova you can also set that as an option FOR NOVA, so that would be a good replacement if you have to have it and the Play Store is doing away with the option. But yeah, it seems to be a Google thing.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2014
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Much appreciated folks for taking the time...

I honestly cant find the setting in play store.. and my XZP is the ONLY device that does it, including my 2XL.. which is wierd.. However, Im not worried or concerned about it, because the apps I download work as they should ... I just like to know WHY... is it a bug thatll affect my phone..

Maybe because XZP is integrated with Google Now and almost stock Android.. theyve disabled it as you say..

Its a shame because its something I personally liked, but Ill get used to it..

Thanks Anyways :)


Oct 7, 2013
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I too like some apps on my home screen. It doesn't appear that one can have a newly installed app automatically go to the home screen too. If there is a way, we have not found it yet.

However, it can be done. Just requires an extra step. Here's how:
Go to your app drawer after installing an app and hold your finger on that app a second or so and an option opens up at the top of the screen that says "Add to home screen." Just drag the app up there and the app gets added to your home screen. Once there, you can rearrange it to your liking.

You will also see that when you hold on an app momentarily in the app drawer, besides opening up the option to add it to the home screen, a box also opens up beside the app for quick access to app info or to uninstal it.