Power Button Wont Work


Mar 16, 2012
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Used Nook yesterday was very slow for programs to load so figured time for a restore. Hit the power button to shut down and nothing happens? Hold the button up to a minute nothing. The button has feedback of with the click type feel. Not stuck just doesn't want to work. Full charge low charge doesn't matter still wont work? Any ideas? with the button inop I cant restore?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2012
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Used Nook yesterday was very slow for programs to load so figured time for a restore. Hit the power button to shut down and nothing happens? Hold the button up to a minute nothing. The button has feedback of with the click type feel. Not stuck just doesn't want to work. Full charge low charge doesn't matter still wont work? Any ideas? with the button inop I cant restore?

If you are rooted you can use terminal app.
1 open terminal app
2 type: su
3 accept superuser prompt
4 type: reboot recovery

Should reboot into recovery mode for your edits etc.

Sent from my SPH-M950