Hate to revive an old topic but I am experiencing the same issue and I am unsure what to do at this point. Any help is appreciated.
It happened while I was making or accepting a call (forgot) and it essentially froze my phone prompting it to restart on it's own. When the phone restarted it gave me the same message. It won't allow me to choose "wait" or "ok" the options that were showing on the screen. After awhile, it actually goes into home screen on it's own but no sound whatsoever. When you raise volume or lower volume using rocker, nothing happens. It still vibrates fine. I tried to restart several more times but to no avail. I finally checked for software update and updated my phone to latest version (Jelly Bean?). When the phone starts up, no more "Process System not Responding", it boots fine into home screen however I still have issue with the sound. It looks like I have lost sound permanently. When making calls, it's complete silence even though other party receives the call. When trying to play music/video it says "Playback Issue". I tried setting alarm to utilize sound but it only vibrates "ring volume set to max".
Phone is factory stock bought brand new less than a year ago when renewing contract. Last resort would be to go through Tmobile to get a temporary phone while they send this one back to manufacture. Has anyone tried this? Their website states you may be charged up to $300 if it is found that your device voids warranty. That's a hefty price tag to pay should that be the case. As far as I know, my phone never been water damaged or altered in a way that voids warranty. I only installed apps from google play. But I would hate to be charged $300 for a phone that broke just because I requested warranty on it.