proximity sensor

megajra k

New member
Mar 27, 2014
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Hi I have problems with proximity sensor I did test it when I putting hand over it its vibrating and changes colour to green burcwhen I take hand back its doesnt back to white its still grean and vibrates is it sensor malfunction or its dirty when im calling my screen doesnt lights and its really annoying thx for ideas.

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Nov 12, 2010
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its dirt covering the sensor. You can try to blast compressed air into AUX port and see if it cleans it up.

If not, there is no much you can do unless you are willing to either root it (then calibrate sensor) or dissemble it (then physically clean the sensor). Both are easy to do, but both may void your warranty (there maybe ways around the warranty issue, you will have to dig).

megajra k

New member
Mar 27, 2014
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I dont have warranty bought it second hand so not worried about that :) thx for clues will try to do what u suggesting maby it will help :)

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