Put Flash back in JB Mr. Google


Jul 24, 2012
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This is really stupid that they took out flash with Jelly Bean. While majority of websites still use flash for their videos.

I do not know how to do it but I'd say start a petition and request Google enable/put FLASH back in. I do not want to spend $270 and then mess it with rooting it.
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steve dave

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Aug 21, 2011
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Flash is dying, thank god. Keep it far away from the mobile space. It actually has no place anywhere anymore. Any site that hasn't migrated away from flash by now doesn't deserve any traffic.

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Jul 7, 2012
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The statement shouldn't be to put flash back into JB, it should be to take flash out of the web. Adobe makes giant bloatware. They always have. There was a time when bigger and more complicated software (poor programing optimization) was the fad. Windows set the trend. Newer computers had to be better to perform the same. Adobe really turned it into an art. For flash and their PDF reader to actually function decently they have to imbed themselves into windows and hide their code everywhere. They have to boot parts of themselves with the OS and have to work around anti-virus and security software.

In short adobe is the T-Rex and the computer world has evolved away from them. We want lean software that does what it's supposed to efficiently and has no extra bloat or TSR's.
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Apr 16, 2012
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They have not stop yet. It is suppose to be Aug 15.
It was Google's decision not to include flash in JB.

Adobe didn't updated to be mostly bug-free and fully tested/compatible with JB, therefor Google didn't want to put in something that wasn't updated to work properly with the Nexus 7 and (now) the Galaxy Nexus (since it comes with JB).

-Adobe is refusing to properly support JB.
-Adobe is pulling it from the Play Store.
-Including third party software within a build of Android =/= including the app pre-installed on an Android device.

Would you blame Apple for not offering the iPad with Windows installed on it?


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Jul 7, 2012
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Actually to add to what Pokingmom said Adobe did indeed abandon JB. Their statement went on to say that as time went on they expected devices to be less and less compatible and therefore would offer a poor Adobe experience. Therefore if it has JB, is brand new hardware, and didn't come with Adobe they don't want it put on it. That's where the aug date falls in. It's the cut off for LEGACY DEVICES ONLY. Everyone else is cut off now, well officially anyway.


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May 10, 2012
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They have not stop yet. It is suppose to be Aug 15.
It was Google's decision not to include flash in JB.

No, no wrong. This was Adobe 100% they have stated they won't support jellybean and are pulling adobe from the play store altogether.

However, if you read the numerous other threads, you can still set up flash to work just fine.

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Nov 10, 2011
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Far from it, a vast majority of websites still use Flash. Also, mobile hardware is increasing in power and if anything is now more capable of using Flash more effectively.

It's nothing to do with hardware. It's because Flash is a bloated buggy insecure pile of turd. Adobe are abandoning it for mobile because they know the preceding statement to be true.

I still need/use Flash every day! Heck, it's a major reason I can't consider an iPad! Until that need changes, I'll continue to have it installed not only my PC's, but smartphones. :)

And that short-sighted attitude will encourage sites to stick with Flash longer.

Funny when the people who make flash are yelling at us to stop using it and we're going out of our way to do the opposite.

steve dave

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Aug 21, 2011
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I have been doing just fine without flash on any of my systems for over a year now. I actually just had to break that streak last week though, so I could watch the Daily Show... stupid DirecTV and Viacom. Although, if I still paid for hulu I wouldn't even have needed it then.

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Aug 19, 2010
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I work in the IT field (16+ years now) and Flash is the least of your worries regarding security (software wise: Java is the worst culprit, otherwise it's the end user!). As to buggy, it works great on any device I use it on! May be you're using it wrong. ;) I keed, I keed

I'll use what works best for me until that is no longer the case regardless of what anyone else says. :) Then again, I'm still using Windows XP Pro and IE8, so I guess I'm part of the problem then... ;)

Δ Dinosaur Δ

XP great... IE8 BARF!
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Nov 11, 2010
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I'm not losing any sleep over lack of Flash support (I've owned two iPads, so I'm used to it). But it does seem like Adobe is ending Flash support a bit prematurely. I completely agree, we need to move to HMTL5, and that is happening, but it isn't something that's just going to happen over night. And it kinda sucks to limit the user experience (even if it's marginal) on mobile platforms while the transition is going on.

I'm using a semi-functional work around side loading Flash with Firefox Beta, but I can't watch my damn Android Central podcasts in full screen mode. Who is going to answer for this crime?


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Google is not the reason there is no Flash built in to Jelly Bean.

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Feb 23, 2011
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almost every video clip i want to watch on a news site is flash. i probably watch those videos more than anything else i do in a phone browser (opera mobile) so losing flash is s big deal. i also wouldn't have access to a handful of podcasts/clips i listen to frequently as they are only released as embedded flash audio/video (and iTunes which will never be an option under any circumstance). yes this is antiquated but i don't run the site, i just pay to use it.
until flash is no longer frequently needed, i will want it on my phone. i keep forgetting to check it in jb. i restored from tb and haven't tested yet.

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