question about marshmallow update

Feb 13, 2016
I recently switched from Verizon to at&t. I bought a Sim card adapter and put the sim card from att into the Verizon note 4. The phone works fine, my question is that the phone still on lollipop and if I'm not mistaken I should have the marshmellow update by now. Will I be getting the update from att ? Or since its a Verizon phone in stuck on lollipop?
That depends. If it's a Verizon phone first you need to make sure that the Marshmallow update is out FOR VERIZON. Second, you need to check if the carrier blocks updates to their own SIMs (for instance, most AT&T Phones won't update unless they have an AT&T SIM in them).

If the update is out and you still can't update, however, you can still try to download Kies or Smart Switch and see if those see the update. Your last resort can be to take it to a Samsung 'island' in Best Buys and let them update it.
That depends. If it's a Verizon phone first you need to make sure that the Marshmallow update is out FOR VERIZON. Second, you need to check if the carrier blocks updates to their own SIMs (for instance, most AT&T Phones won't update unless they have an AT&T SIM in them).

If the update is out and you still can't update, however, you can still try to download Kies or Smart Switch and see if those see the update. Your last resort can be to take it to a Samsung 'island' in Best Buys and let them update it.
Do yourself a favor and stay on lollipop. I would be way happier if my Note 4 was not on Marshmallow.
Biggest complaint, forces to choose default app. So if you use multiple video players, only one will work until you clear defaults... Everytime you want to select another player.
If you use USB otg, you now must go into settings, storage and select usb drive to unmount. On 5.0 all you needed to do was pull down notifications and select USB and it auto unmounted.
I don't see any benefit in 6.0. My battery even lasted longer on 5.0
Not sure why your phone works fine, Verizon and AT&T require different radios.

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