Questions from a Luddite about space (Use of Micro SD for apps / photos)


May 17, 2014
Apologies for the daft questions but here we go:

I purchased a Nokia 5 and a SanDisk Ultra 64 GB Memory Card.

My first numpty question - can the memory card be used for photos and apps? I'm assuming not because when I formatted for photos, I can't move apps to the Micro SD as there's no options under Storage on the app. However when I changed the format of the disc for apps, when I tried to take a photo, I got an error message saying "insert SD card."

I can then only guess the ideal workaround then would be to change the photo settings so they save on the phone, and store the photos in the cloud but again I can't seem to be able to change the default phone settings.

Insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
You’re right in deducing that adapted storage is for apps, portable is for photos/other data. Not many apps (if any) will go on portable. With adopted storage, the phone treats the card as an extension of its own memory. And everything is encrypted, so that the particular phone it was formatted in will be the only thing that’ll ever be able to access anything on the card (so something to think through!). I’m not familiar with Nokia phones (mine’s a Motorola), but I think this applies to all phones.

In mine, moving existing data (e.g. photos) from the phone’s own memory to SD card is done by fetching them from the SD card, in the phone settings under Storage. And telling the camera to store photos automatically on the SD card is done from within the camera app. If your camera’s not recognising the SD card, maybe you didn't tell it to save to internal memory? In which case it’ll still be expecting a card formatted as portable.

Cloud storage? Yes. If nothing else, because the more backup methods the better (and cloud storage is a painless one, as it can be set to happen automatically). Like everything else computer related, the best place to start is to decide what you want to achieve, and then on what scale (then double it!). Then it’s horses for courses with choosing one (or more) of the options out there. For instance, Google Drive storage is the most direct one with Android and plays nicely with the other software, and Flickr is a good one to consider for photos (I use both).

It doesn’t sound as if you’ve done much research re the things you want to learn about. I recommend it - there's so much how-to and explanatory stuff out there. I was new to smartphones, touchscreens and Android when I got this phone 2 years ago, and only started using it for anything except calls, texts and camera a year or so ago, since when it’s been standing in as my only computer. In my remote location the search bar’s been my chief teacher (and a fast one!). Android's Central's a great place to start (on the other hand, the wider web can sometimes get more results re topics that aren't Android specific such as this one).

I think the title of your topic is good (about as specific as you could get in the length), but to get more responses you need more details about your setup, what you’re trying to achieve and what you’ve tried so far. There’s a lot of expertise and helpfulness in these forums, but they’re busy ones, and most people just don’t have the time for asking a lot of questions before they can help.
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Thanks for the feedback on my post. Just a shame it couldn't have helped me resolve this issue esp around the problems I had with adaptive storage and the apps. I really didn't need to be told how to move apps and photos! I have been trying to do it and it's not working.

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