Ready to throw my laptop


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Feb 2, 2010
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All I really want to do is remove bloatware. I have 2.1 with Joey's root v5. I've been researching for hours on several forums and I can't figure out how to open a command prompt, and go to my shell. I'm missing something. Don't know what. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Use small words and assume I'm not that bright. Thanks.

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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ok, do as i said above...find the sdk\tools folder
shift+right click open command window

in the command window, enter adb shell

you're inside the phone's shell then.

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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error: device not found
that's what I get. phone is plugged via usb......this is where I'm missing something.

thanks for the shift right click tip.....that's handy. trying to remember all the dos I learned in the 80's

Sounds like your USB driver isn't installed. Have you went through the steps in the SDK to update and install the USB driver?

Lot's of people have issues with the driver in win7 64 bit. I don't have a 64 bit Windows machine, but as i understand it installing the latest version of HTC sync (from the HTC website) will set it up for you, even though you don;t have an HTC phone.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
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thanks, will try that. I know I have had that in the past, had a rooted Hero. Thanks again! Will post back with results.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
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I still can't get my Win 7 laptop or desktop to recognize my Moment. USB debugging on or off. Not sure what's the cause. if anyone has an idea, I'de love to hear it.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
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i have almost the same problem... both me and my brother in law both have the moments.
the only difference is that he got his before the cl14 update and i got mine with cl14 already installed....

now my moment mounts up with no problem to my brand new windows 7 . but i cannot get his to hook up at all!! i changed all his setting just like mine and cant get it to mount.

i only can assume that it's a phone problem not a window 7 problem


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2010
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when I type remount rw in connectbot it seys remount not found, and can get n further than that. really frustrating.

From what I've read, the rw doesn't work, because the developer's haven't added that script "yet". You'll have to search how to do the linux command for mounting the file system.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2010
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ok sdx site was down thats why i was brief.. if your trying remount rw on 2.1 its not going to work.. remount rw was a short cut implemented on 1.5 kernal. since we dont have a 2.1 kernal the devs dont have a script for it you have to manually type the whole command ill post a link but if you guys need help email at ill be glad to help i only remove apps with connect bot so i can provide for good explanations for it..

If you don't see #, then you need to root your phone (I think, please correct me if I'm wrong).
Next enable readwrite access by typing:

mount -t rfs -o remount,rw /dev/stl5 /system

Now navigate to the applications directory by typing

cd /system/app

TO back up an app, type:

cat [appname].[extension] > /sdcard/[appname].extension

To delete an app, type:

rm [appname].[extension]

Apps I removed safely:
AmazonMp3.apk - Amazon MP3 Store
BejeweledDemo.apk - BEST GAME EVER, but no not really.
Calculator.apk/Calculator.odex - Calculator app, I replace with a scientific calculator
Weather2-16.apk - Sprint weather app, weatherbug is better
MoxierMail.apk - The moxiermail suite
SprintTV_MR2_Samsung_Moment_GM_Final_1.0.4.29-112596.apk - Sprint TV Core app
SprintTVWidget.apk - Sprint TV Widget
nascar09-prod-release.apk - Nascare bloatware for rednecks ;)
nfl-prod-release.apk - NFL bloatware
im.apk - Simple IM application, can be replaced with better stuff

Most likely you can also remove:
But I'm not sure if VSuite is used now for voice search. If anyone can let me know it'd be appreciated. Its so ungodly bloated.
I personally use email so I'm leaving that alone.

After you're done type (IMPORTANT)
mount -t rfs -o remount,ro /dev/stl5 /system

Android 2.1 - Safe Apps to Remove